(B) Bonus Shares                  (I) Interim Dividend              (R) Right Shares              (F) Final Dividend              (Prf) Preference Shares                  (P) Preferred Cash Divident              (Green Colour) Positive               (Red Colour) Negitive
Disclaimer: This report is provided solely for information purpose only and we have tried to ensure the correctness of the below figures but there may still be discrepancies, for further verification of data please do visit official websites of Pakistan Stock Exchange ( The company accepts no responsibility what so ever for any direct or indirect consequential loss arising from use of this report. 
    Ended 2023 2024 EPS 24 TO-Jun-24 Sep-24 Sep-24  O/S (M)    FOR QT (M)  RIGHT  PRICE Date     
4-Nov-24 LSEVL JUN 1.04 0.51 179.597 91.588 NIL 7.97 - LSE Venture Limited
4-Nov-24 LSECL JUN 2.66 0.19 181.153 34.025 NIL 3.7 - LSE Capital Limited
4-Nov-24 LSEFSL JUN 1.72 0.23 35.677 8.322 NIL 4.5 - LSE Financial Services Limited
4-Nov-24 DNCC JUN 0.08 -0.24 248.173 -60.731 NIL 13 - Dandot Cement
31-Oct-24 KHTC JUN - -117.46 6.922 -813.026 NIL 270.03 - Khyber Tobacco
31-Oct-24 ARPL SEP 36.47 -8.91 -6.90 -15.81 34.563 -238.485 NIL 318.14 - Archroma Pakistan Limited
31-Oct-24 HASCOL DEC -17.83 -4.79 -2.48 -7.27 999.120 -2478.341 NIL 6.43 - Hascol Petroleum Limited
30-Oct-24 FRCL JUN -2.90 0.15 37.873 5.509 NIL 16.91 - Frontier Ceramics
30-Oct-24 ZAHID JUN 3.32 1.55 191.421 297.057 NIL 25.3 - ZahidJee Textile Limited
30-Oct-24 SANE JUN -5.60 -1.32 4.467 -5.887 NIL 8.07 - Salman Noman Enterprises
30-Oct-24 ASTM JUN -1.75 0.76 15.170 11.548 NIL 13.71 - Asim Textile Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 MARI JUN 579.36 16.01 1200.622 19227.766 NIL 413.6 - Mari Petroleum Company Limited
30-Oct-24 MSOT JUN -7.95 -14.52 67.500 -980.191 NIL 41.7 - Masood Textile
30-Oct-24 ABL DEC 35.53 20.64 10.52 31.16 1145.072 12050.091 40.00% 122.35 11/11 - 13/11 Rs 4/- per share Allied Bank Limited
30-Oct-24 SEARL JUN -6.95 0.59 511.494 300.781 NIL - Searle Pakistan
30-Oct-24 STML JUN -3.92 -9.22 8.640 -79.662 NIL 30.5 - Shams Tex
30-Oct-24 LMSM JUN -0.92 12.17 12.123 147.588 NIL 26.6 - Landmark Spinning
30-Oct-24 INKL JUN 1.14 0.71 9.675 6.872 NIL 14.81 - International Knitwear Limited
30-Oct-24 JDMT JUN -67.62 -23.32 6.915 -161.271 NIL 60.55 - Janana De Malucho
30-Oct-24 AMTEX JUN 0.35 0.03 259.430 6.979 NIL 2.97 - AMTEX Limited
30-Oct-24 TELE JUN 0.73 0.04 338.625 14.219 NIL 6.99 - Telecard Limited
30-Oct-24 HAEL JUN -3.64 -0.83 12.996 -10.827 NIL 15.43 - Hala Enterprises
30-Oct-24 SEL JUN 2.20 -2.67 19.090 -50.934 NIL 11.98 - Sitara Energy
30-Oct-24 GFIL JUN -20.42 -3.65 32.635 -119.115 NIL 10.15 - Ghazi Fabrics
30-Oct-24 NML JUN 18.11 2.69 351.599 944.044 NIL 74.05 - Nishat Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 EWIC DEC 3.32 2.12 0.65 2.77 202.275 131.825 NIL 37.71 - East West Insurance
30-Oct-24 QUET JUN -54.14 -11.74 13.000 -152.626 NIL 12.3 - Quetta Textiles
30-Oct-24 NETSOL JUN 15.76 2.19 89.836 196.842 NIL 128.41 - Netsol Technologies Limited
30-Oct-24 AATM JUN 2.25 0.86 44.426 38.347 NIL 64.2 - Ali Asghar Textile
30-Oct-24 BOP DEC 3.47 1.33 1.09 2.42 3271.569 3558.219 NIL 5.53 - Bank Of Punjab
30-Oct-24 BFMOD JUN 0.83 0.19 7.512 1.406 NIL 8.38 - B. F. Modaraba
30-Oct-24 RUBY JUN -0.87 -0.21 52.214 -11.160 NIL 7.17 - Ruby Textile Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 JATM JUN -4.83 -2.43 12.600 -30.604 NIL 69.45 - J.a.tex
30-Oct-24 BILF JUN -1.43 -0.33 14.100 -4.595 NIL 17 - Bilal Fibre
30-Oct-24 FSWL JUN -9.95 -1.10 2.000 -2.200 NIL 112 - Fateh Sports Wear
30-Oct-24 OTSU JUN -0.39 -9.89 12.100 -119.685 NIL 127.2 - Otsuka Pakistan Limited
30-Oct-24 FIL JUN -0.97 -0.73 2.000 -1.451 NIL 140.01 - Fateh Industries Limited
30-Oct-24 HUBC JUN 26.12 6.00 1297.154 7785.365 NIL 105.11 - Hub Power Co
30-Oct-24 NSRM JUN 4.60 0.69 15.553 10.755 NIL 40.62 - National Silk
30-Oct-24 PREMA JUN 1.62 0.11 218.639 24.422 NIL 15.5 - At-Tahur Limited
30-Oct-24 IDSM JUN -32.48 -5.33 9.920 -52.907 NIL 10.75 - Ideal Spinning
30-Oct-24 LPGL JUN 10.87 0.59 7.500 4.460 NIL 178.66 - Leiner Pak Gelatine
30-Oct-24 KOSM JUN -0.92 -0.09 412.106 -37.034 NIL 7.62 - Kohinoor Spinning
30-Oct-24 OCTOPUS DEC 3.49 0.22 0.11 0.33 157.262 16.587 NIL 93.01 - Octopus Digital Limited
30-Oct-24 CTM JUN -7.31 -1.24 498.010 -615.694 NIL 4.13 - Colony Textile Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 BNWM JUN 32.21 2.22 9.506 21.104 NIL 28.96 - Bannu Woolen
30-Oct-24 KOIL JUN 1.28 0.54 30.302 16.348 NIL 8.11 - Kohinoor Industries
30-Oct-24 YOUW JUN -0.36 -0.07 136.000 -9.080 NIL 3.92 - Yousaf Weaving
30-Oct-24 JKSM JUN 9.84 2.01 102.316 205.183 NIL 50.05 - J K Spinning
30-Oct-24 PAKRI DEC 3.41 1.87 1.07 2.94 900.000 960.995 NIL 10.36 - Pakistan Reinsurance
30-Oct-24 EFUG DEC 16.41 12.39 3.09 15.48 199.992 618.000 15.00% 89.16 07/11 - 07/11 Rs 1.50/- per share EFU General Insurance
30-Oct-24 FCL JUN - 0.33 628.854 206.759 NIL 23.2 - Fast Cables Limited
30-Oct-24 ATLH MAR 78.24 28.02 25.33 53.35 124.084 3143.463 320.00% 816.61 01/11 - 03/11 Rs 32/- per share Atlas Honda Limited
30-Oct-24 BML DEC 1.00 -0.27 -0.33 -0.60 5334.220 -1742.086 NIL 1.95 - Bank Makramah Limited
30-Oct-24 SURC JUN 20.62 3.83 48.809 186.710 NIL 120.26 - Suraj Cotton
30-Oct-24 AGL DEC 2.77 -2.94 -2.00 -4.94 424.645 -849.768 NIL 37.3 - Agritech Limited
30-Oct-24 MEHT JUN 8.32 3.06 30.000 91.787 NIL 499.67 - Mahmood Tex
30-Oct-24 PKGI DEC 1.52 -0.21 -0.13 -0.34 46.401 -6.203 NIL 10 - Pakistan General Insurance
30-Oct-24 SGABL JUN -1.08 0.18 15.000 2.744 NIL - - SG Allied Business Limited
30-Oct-24 TPL JUN -5.23 -1.68 267.297 -449.377 NIL 4.26 - TPL Corporation Limited
30-Oct-24 REDCO JUN 4.30 1.75 49.290 86.460 NIL 9.4 - Redco Textile Limited
30-Oct-24 ANTM JUN -11.43 -6.68 9.660 -64.500 NIL 15.1 - AN Textile Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 RPL JUN 1.49 0.89 141.900 125.912 NIL 15.4 - Roshan Packages Limited
30-Oct-24 BPL JUN 3.25 -1.38 22.639 -31.174 NIL 24.52 - Burshane LPG Limited
30-Oct-24 EMCO JUN 6.26 -1.96 34.999 -68.548 NIL 34 - Emco Industries
30-Oct-24 AVN DEC 4.85 0.14 0.01 0.15 376.297 2.579 NIL 52.32 - Avanceon Limited
30-Oct-24 RICL DEC 2.58 3.12 0.54 3.66 66.537 36.143 NIL 11.1 - Reliance Insurance
30-Oct-24 AKDHL JUN 3.33 0.26 2.507 0.643 NIL 139.03 - AKD Hospitality Limited
30-Oct-24 HATM JUN -1.98 -0.66 13.270 -8.693 NIL 0.97 - Hamid Textile Mills Limited
30-Oct-24 NEXT JUN -0.38 -0.41 56.925 -23.133 NIL 4.92 - Next Capital Limited
30-Oct-24 SGPL JUN 0.09 -0.07 17.830 -1.258 NIL 8.1 - S.g. Power
30-Oct-24 MUGHAL JUN 5.96 0.02 335.633 6.945 NIL 77.93 - Mughal Iron and Steel Limited
30-Oct-24 IDYM JUN 1.35 -2.07 54.221 -112.269 NIL 114.62 - Indus Dyeing
30-Oct-24 BNL JUN -1.62 0.45 66.805 30.134 NIL 13.26 - Bunny's Limited
30-Oct-24 FZCM JUN 59.53 11.07 29.992 332.025 NIL 148.16 - Fazal Cloth
30-Oct-24 HCL JUN 69.70 32.23 0.500 16.116 NIL 816.66 - Hallmark Company Limited
30-Oct-24 PAKL JUN 2.39 -0.44 3.400 -1.509 NIL 25.01 - Pak Leather Crafts
30-Oct-24 UNIC DEC 2.90 1.91 0.85 2.76 346.750 296.056 NIL 16.67 - United Insurance
30-Oct-24 NPL JUN 15.22 4.67 354.088 1652.031 20.00% 27.47 11/11 - 12/11 Rs 2/- per share Nishat Power Limited
30-Oct-24 REWM JUN 3.88 0.34 30.810 10.627 NIL 83.24 - Reliance Weaving
30-Oct-24 KOHP JUN -1.25 0.01 12.600 0.182 NIL 7.21 - Kohinoor Power Co
30-Oct-24 SERT JUN -7.30 -0.12 13.788 -1.671 NIL 10.55 - Service Textiles
30-Oct-24 ZTL JUN 0.77 -0.60 59.428 -35.373 NIL 11.71 - Zephyr Textile Limited.
30-Oct-24 SUTM JUN 8.56 3.53 20.700 73.039 NIL 80.76 - Sunrays Tex
29-Oct-24 TATM JUN -9.89 -2.06 55.993 -115.236 NIL 47.42 - Tata Tex
29-Oct-24 SUHJ JUN n/a -3.29 4.333 -14.256 NIL 22.2 - Suhail Jute
29-Oct-24 ASHT JUN -1.24 -0.42 46.564 -19.604 NIL 11.98 - Ashfaq Textile Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 BOK DEC 1.33 0.92 1158.054 1066.738 NIL 12.19 - Bank Of Khyber
29-Oct-24 BECO JUN -0.74 0.04 124.962 4.638 NIL 5.54 - BECO Steel Limited
29-Oct-24 IMAGE JUN 1.99 0.69 230.369 158.810 NIL 14.45 - Image Pakistan
29-Oct-24 CRTM JUN -17.50 -1.66 100.000 -165.706 NIL 12 - Crescent Textile Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 PRWM JUN 4.69 1.09 18.480 20.233 NIL 32 - Prosperity Weaving Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 KOHTM JUN 10.29 3.80 20.800 79.087 NIL 18.43 - Kohat Tex
29-Oct-24 DLL DEC 15.47 9.17 18.75 27.92 59.299 1111.734 NIL 188.84 - Dawood Lawrencepur Limited
29-Oct-24 NRSL JUN 1.91 0.26 141.321 37.207 NIL 21.54 - Nimir Resins Limited
29-Oct-24 CENI DEC 8.98 5.24 2.37 7.61 55.330 131.017 NIL 31 - Century Insurance
29-Oct-24 UDPL JUN 10.28 4.24 35.266 149.607 NIL 41.99 - United Dist.pakistan
29-Oct-24 WAVESAPP DEC - 0.21 0.05 0.26 267.885 12.615 NIL 7.46 - Waves Home Appliances Limited
29-Oct-24 KCL JUN -29.72 -6.81 14.540 -98.982 NIL 64.88 - Karam Ceramics
29-Oct-24 SIBL DEC 1.55 0.65 0.31 0.96 59.148 18.509 NIL 4.78 - Security Inv. Bank
29-Oct-24 GOC JUN 13.45 0.51 7.349 3.773 NIL 59.51 - GOC (PAK) LIMITED
29-Oct-24 THALL JUN 27.03 4.06 81.029 328.919 NIL 409.45 - Thal Limited
29-Oct-24 SAIF JUN 0.44 0.41 26.410 10.862 NIL 11.45 - Saif Textiles
29-Oct-24 AKDSL JUN 2.26 1.11 557.834 616.526 NIL 15.66 - AKD Securities Limited
29-Oct-24 FEM JUN -0.37 -0.06 52.440 -3.086 NIL 2.85 - Equity Mod. Ist
29-Oct-24 SAPT JUN 238.54 47.65 21.689 1033.554 NIL 1101.53 - Sapphire Textiles
29-Oct-24 FNEL JUN -0.19 -0.06 267.286 -16.393 NIL 3.31 - First National Equities Limited
29-Oct-24 WAVES DEC 0.53 0.34 0.30 0.64 281.406 84.121 NIL 6.29 - Waves Singer
29-Oct-24 FML JUN 1.43 0.01 399.409 2.694 NIL 70.3 - Feroze 1888 Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 GSPM JUN -0.63 -4.38 22.224 -97.296 NIL 4.02 - Gulshan Spinning
29-Oct-24 JSCL DEC 0.32 0.34 -0.11 0.23 915.942 -100.385 NIL 14.6 - Jahanger Siddiqui & Co
29-Oct-24 UBDL JUN -0.64 0.09 91.800 8.611 NIL 14 - United Brands Limited
29-Oct-24 NBP DEC 24.37 0.12 4.13 4.25 2127.510 8778.546 NIL 69.35 - National Bank Of Pakistan Limited
29-Oct-24 LEUL JUN 0.05 -0.02 6.000 -0.127 NIL 17.28 - Leather Up Limited
29-Oct-24 PASM JUN 0.81 0.01 17.351 0.212 NIL 5.8 - Paramount Spinning
29-Oct-24 ASL JUN -0.26 -0.91 924.800 -843.123 NIL 6.41 - Aisha Steel Mills
29-Oct-24 GUSM JUN -12.72 0.04 14.641 0.551 NIL 8.9 - Gulistan Spinning
29-Oct-24 GUTM JUN 38.73 -0.15 18.983 -2.891 NIL 15 - Gulistan Tex
29-Oct-24 IGIHL DEC 9.24 2.80 3.85 6.65 142.631 548.892 NIL 169.87 - IGI Holdings Limited
29-Oct-24 SYM JUN 0.46 0.07 285.245 19.920 NIL 9.88 - Symmetry Group Limited
29-Oct-24 MERIT JUN -0.93 -0.17 199.958 -34.976 NIL 10.03 - Merit Packages
29-Oct-24 CPHL JUN 3.65 0.88 228.461 201.497 NIL 41.59 - Citi Pharma Limited
28-Oct-24 SCL JUN -92.99 -14.85 3.900 -57.902 NIL 271.96 - Shield Corporation Limited
29-Oct-24 ICCI JUN -0.41 -0.18 30.001 -5.425 NIL 7.82 - ICC Industries
29-Oct-24 ENGRO DEC 32.73 26.46 6.84 33.30 536.626 3668.624 50.00% 315.34 11/11 - 12/11 Rs 5/- per share Engro Chemical
29-Oct-24 NAGC JUN 4.12 0.41 18.700 7.729 NIL 48.41 - Nagina Cotton Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 CYAN DEC 5.27 2.63 0.72 3.35 61.558 44.026 NIL 24.31 - Cyan Limited
29-Oct-24 GIL JUN 10.88 16.28 0.300 4.885 NIL 1000 - Goodluck Industries Limited
29-Oct-24 CASH JUN 1.27 0.38 10.744 4.049 NIL 29.35 - Calcorp Limited
29-Oct-24 HICL DEC 0.91 0.96 0.07 1.03 123.868 8.098 NIL 6.72 - Habib Insurance
29-Oct-24 NCPL JUN 13.37 3.99 367.346 1465.706 NIL 27.78 - Nishat Chunian Power Limited
29-Oct-24 FTSM JUN 0.08 0.55 21.160 11.625 NIL 14.12 - Tri-stab
29-Oct-24 AGHA JUN -8.41 -3.00 604.878 -1814.850 NIL 12.78 - Agha Steel Industries Limited
29-Oct-24 TSBL JUN 2.80 -0.23 30.000 -6.987 NIL 12.5 - Trust Securities & Brokerage Limited
29-Oct-24 TSMF JUN 4.83 -0.79 5.000 -3.931 NIL 7.13 - Tri-star Mutual Fund
29-Oct-24 DSIL JUN -0.04 0.02 83.685 1.567 NIL 6.89 - D. S. Industries Limited
29-Oct-24 TOMCL JUN 3.35 1.15 148.491 170.606 NIL 34.72 - The Organic Meat Company Limited
29-Oct-24 WTL DEC -0.09 -0.15 -0.07 -0.22 4982.289 -342.680 NIL 1.24 - Worldcall Telecom
29-Oct-24 TSPL JUN -0.89 -0.04 15.000 -0.633 NIL 5.52 - Tri-star Power
29-Oct-24 GRR JUN 1.80 0.52 140.000 72.667 NIL 13.75 - Globe Residency REIT
29-Oct-24 BHAT JUN -43.34 8.08 3.040 24.551 NIL 888.37 - Bhanero
29-Oct-24 PPL JUN 42.00 8.66 2721.667 23577.376 20.00% 138.51 12/11 - 14/11 Rs 2/- per share Pakistan Petroleum Limited
29-Oct-24 PCAL JUN 4.22 -2.40 54.457 -130.938 NIL 144.94 - Pakistan Cables
29-Oct-24 FCEL JUN -0.13 0.20 141.335 28.081 NIL 7.28 - First Capital Equities Limited
29-Oct-24 FPJM DEC -3.28 0.44 0.16 0.60 34.020 5.553 NIL 2.39 - Punjab Modaraba Ist
29-Oct-24 CFL JUN -61.06 -7.77 12.421 -96.518 NIL 49.97 - Crescent Fibres Limited
29-Oct-24 SHNI DEC 1.94 1.27 0.63 1.90 64.500 40.337 NIL 4.75 - Shaheen Insurance
29-Oct-24 NCML JUN -0.70 -0.24 23.000 -5.481 NIL 12.55 - Nazir Cotton Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 ARCTM JUN 8.71 1.71 13.174 22.464 NIL 19.99 - Arctic Textile Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 PIOC JUN 22.79 4.50 227.150 1022.860 NIL 210.56 - Pioneer Cement
29-Oct-24 DAWH DEC 21.50 8.68 4.03 12.71 481.284 1937.391 25.00% 151.1 13/11 - 14/11 Rs 2.50/- per share Dawood Hercules
29-Oct-24 MDTL JUN -0.02 -0.02 178.835 -2.845 NIL 2.06 - Media Times Limited
29-Oct-24 MFFL JUN 19.95 0.67 22.875 15.307 NIL 162.23 - Mitchell Fruit Farms Limited
29-Oct-24 MUBT JUN -0.36 -0.07 5.400 -0.390 NIL 3.85 - Mubarak Textile
29-Oct-24 NCL JUN 2.88 0.15 240.221 35.142 NIL 29.45 - Nishat Chunian
29-Oct-24 SSOM JUN -26.12 5.02 5.660 28.414 NIL 57.52 - Ss Oil Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 CLVL JUN 0.26 3.47 72.105 250.062 NIL 14.69 - Cordoba Logistics & Ventures Limited
29-Oct-24 CJPL JUN -0.31 -0.09 23.760 -2.126 NIL 3.4 - Crescent Jute
29-Oct-24 BTL JUN -265.35 -30.02 6.430 -193.027 NIL 250 - Blessed Textiles Limited
29-Oct-24 RCML JUN 115.16 30.13 10.290 310.043 NIL 646 - Reliance Cotton
29-Oct-24 TPLT JUN 0.72 -0.20 187.263 -37.541 NIL 9.33 - TPL Trakker Limited
29-Oct-24 BGL JUN -1.94 -0.89 261.600 -231.957 NIL 12.55 - Balochistan Glass
29-Oct-24 BUXL JUN 4.86 1.43 1.440 2.053 NIL 178.98 - Buxly Paints
29-Oct-24 GAMON JUN 1.51 0.05 28.260 1.333 NIL 71.74 - Gammon Pakistan
29-Oct-24 ASTL JUN -20.56 -3.34 297.011 -991.711 NIL 19.56 - Amreli Steels Limited
29-Oct-24 DAAG JUN 1.87 -1.66 4.000 -6.647 NIL 87.32 - Data Agro Limited
29-Oct-24 HAFL JUN 29.98 6.19 1.200 7.424 NIL 235.52 - Hafiz Limited
29-Oct-24 CCM JUN 3.38 0.90 22.660 20.373 NIL 53.55 - Crescent Cotton Products
29-Oct-24 PRET JUN -71.60 16.40 6.163 101.088 NIL 304.83 - Premium Textile Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 AKBL DEC 14.79 5.57 4.15 9.72 1449.299 6021.787 NIL 29.64 - Askari Commercial Bank
29-Oct-24 SPLC JUN 2.37 0.21 45.160 9.459 NIL 0.9 - Saudi Pak Leasing
29-Oct-24 UNITY JUN -2.12 0.04 1194.050 51.227 NIL 26.51 - Unity Foods Limited
29-Oct-24 TOWL JUN 32.91 10.46 17.000 177.800 NIL 132.7 - Toweller Limited
29-Oct-24 ICL JUN 13.86 2.62 99.999 262.072 NIL 46 - Ittehad Chemical
29-Oct-24 PACE JUN 1.89 0.56 278.876 156.870 NIL 6.01 - Pace Pakistan Limited
29-Oct-24 SMCPL JUN 4.46 0.87 25.000 21.789 NIL 23.39 - Safe Mix Concrete
29-Oct-24 ATIL DEC 6.74 5.88 2.76 8.64 149.415 412.272 25.00% 46.55 11/11 - 13/11 Rs 2.50/- per share Atlas Insurance Limited
29-Oct-24 HUMNL JUN 2.30 0.60 1134.000 677.467 NIL 13.65 - Hum Network Limited
29-Oct-24 FDPL JUN 0.05 0.01 148.390 1.815 NIL 2.21 - First Dawood Properties Limited
29-Oct-24 SBL DEC 1.23 0.66 0.10 0.76 1008.240 103.663 NIL 12 - Samba Bank Limited
29-Oct-24 FASM JUN -138.38 -40.69 10.000 -406.931 NIL 229.95 - Faisal Spinning Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 ELSM JUN 13.97 7.70 10.950 84.285 NIL 89.43 - Ellcot Spinning Mills Limited
29-Oct-24 JUBS JUN 5.67 0.05 32.491 1.697 NIL 15.03 - Jubilee Spinning
29-Oct-24 SFL JUN 163.18 41.34 20.671 854.613 NIL 1248.5 - Sapphire Fibres Limited
29-Oct-24 SHEL DEC 27.34 6.16 -2.78 3.38 214.024 -594.381 NIL 151.38 - Shell Pakistan
29-Oct-24 IBLHL JUN 0.09 0.70 85.674 59.864 NIL 29.95 - IBL Healthcare Limited
29-Oct-24 FATIMA DEC 10.67 6.30 4.48 10.78 2100.000 9404.711 NIL 64.75 - Fatima Fertilizer Limited
29-Oct-24 MFL JUN -2.14 0.86 122.400 105.516 NIL 23.42 - Matco Foods Limited
29-Oct-24 GLPL JUN 3.20 0.12 31.872 3.835 NIL 131.02 - Gillette Pakistan
29-Oct-24 FCSC JUN -0.50 -0.18 316.613 -57.976 NIL 2.06 - First Capital Securities Corporation Limited
29-Oct-24 PASL JUN 0.006 0.001 186.568 0.175 NIL 1.39 - Pervez Ahmed Consultancy Services Ltd
29-Oct-24 AMBL DEC -8.38 -3.59 -1.74 -5.33 428.984 -746.099 NIL 10 - Apna Microfinance Bank Limited
29-Oct-24 SPWL DEC 0.87 1.35 1.38 2.73 386.767 535.373 NIL 13.56 - Saif Power Limited
29-Oct-24 SLYT JUN -22.24 -1.00 8.775 -8.783 NIL 15.33 - Sally Textiles
29-Oct-24 AGP DEC 4.25 2.60 1.96 4.56 280.000 549.754 NIL 129.05 - AGP Limited
28-Oct-24 PABC DEC 13.90 7.65 4.73 12.38 361.108 1706.327 NIL 86 - Pakistan Aluminium Beverage Cans Limited
28-Oct-24 ALTN JUN 11.93 5.83 363.380 2119.166 NIL 16.58 - Altern Energy Limited
28-Oct-24 PMPK DEC 6.17 8.67 -1.84 6.83 61.580 -113.128 NIL 681.1 - Philip Morris(Pak) Limited
28-Oct-24 DWTM JUN -2.94 -0.70 46.064 -32.196 NIL 5.66 - Dewan Tex
28-Oct-24 FECTC JUN 6.33 4.98 50.160 250.021 NIL 42.78 - Fecto Cement
28-Oct-24 SARC JUN 8.72 2.13 6.000 12.772 NIL 30.01 - Sardar Chemical Limited
28-Oct-24 DCL JUN -1.05 -0.52 484.113 -252.173 NIL 7.84 - Dewan Cement Limited
28-Oct-24 ADMM JUN 3.95 0.06 84.000 5.095 NIL 40.27 - Artistic Denim Mills
28-Oct-24 PSYL JUN 2.51 0.71 138.699 97.940 NIL 24.52 - Pakistan Synthetics
28-Oct-24 SCBPL DEC 11.01 5.55 2.86 8.41 3871.585 11079.245 NIL 57.07 - Standard Chartered Bank (pakistan) Limited
28-Oct-24 TPLI DEC 5.68 0.21 -0.04 0.17 198.394 -7.043 NIL 9.48 - EPS 0.12 = Profit before taxation TPL Insurance
28-Oct-24 SITC JUN 27.32 7.25 21.429 155.325 NIL 289 - Sitara Chemicals
28-Oct-24 ELCM JUN -19.80 7.73 1.300 10.050 NIL 72.39 - Elahi Cotton
28-Oct-24 DADX JUN -32.55 -8.88 10.764 -95.549 NIL 53.49 - Dadex Enternit
28-Oct-24 DWAE JUN -3.17 -0.55 21.400 -11.849 NIL 38.35 - Dewan Automotive Engineering
28-Oct-24 SNAI JUN -3.78 -1.36 19.965 -27.084 NIL 22.28 - Sana Industries
28-Oct-24 CEPB JUN 1.30 0.37 401.712 147.269 NIL 25.93 - Century Paper & Board Mills Limited
28-Oct-24 BRRG JUN 4.72 0.35 95.008 33.090 NIL 14.71 - EPS 0.46 = profit before income tax BRR Guardian Limited
28-Oct-24 TRG JUN -56.56 4.41 545.390 2407.454 NIL 48.61 - The Resource Group Of Pakistan
28-Oct-24 MSCL JUN -0.75 -0.22 30.980 -6.825 NIL 11.01 - Metropolitan Steel Corporation
28-Oct-24 PRWM JUN 4.69 1.09 18.480 20.233 NIL 29.5 - Prosperity Weaving Mills Limited
28-Oct-24 STCL JUN 1.34 -0.36 239.320 -85.688 NIL 13.86 - Shabbir Tiles & Ceramics
25-Oct-24 DCR JUN 0.50 2223.700 1112.875 NIL 19.8 - Dolmen City REIT
28-Oct-24 RUPL JUN -24.15 -7.70 34.060 -262.244 NIL 17.41 - Rupali Polyester
28-Oct-24 ANL JUN 1.09 0.14 485.409 67.793 NIL 7.35 - Azgard Nine Limited
28-Oct-24 PHDL JUN 24.83 12.92 18.000 232.639 NIL 37 - Pak Hotels Developers
28-Oct-24 AIRLINK JUN 7.74 0.89 395.269 351.762 NIL 133.78 - Air Link Communication Limited
28-Oct-24 GHGL JUN 6.75 0.93 999.714 928.264 NIL 25.69 - Ghani Glass
28-Oct-24 QUICE JUN -0.28 0.01 98.461 1.231 NIL 6.72 - Quice Food Industries Limited
28-Oct-24 CSAP JUN 20.69 0.95 77.632 73.553 NIL 117.02 - Crescent Steel & Allied Product
28-Oct-24 AWTX JUN -306.27 -121.26 0.800 -97.009 NIL 1297.54 - Allawasaya Textiles And Weaving Mills Limited
28-Oct-24 AKGL JUN 2.73 -0.01 10.000 -0.132 NIL 34 - Al-Khair Gadoon Limited
28-Oct-24 PTL JUN 2.77 0.41 168.000 68.185 NIL 41.31 - Panther Tyres Limited
28-Oct-24 GVGL JUN 5.99 1.04 149.942 155.202 NIL 39.96 - Ghani Value Glass Limited
28-Oct-24 TBL JUN -0.32 -0.05 882.276 -46.046 NIL 13.91 - Treet Battery Limited
28-Oct-24 PKGP DEC 15.76 10.75 5.91 16.66 372.081 2197.532 20.00% 93 06/11 - 07/11 Rs 2/- per share Pakgen Power Limited
28-Oct-24 CHCC JUN 28.31 14.81 194.294 2877.860 NIL 229.7 - Charat Cement Company Limited
28-Oct-24 FTMM JUN 0.30 0.01 883.590 12.045 NIL 3.99 - F Treet Manufacturing Modaraba
28-Oct-24 ATBA JUN 38.38 6.42 35.009 224.590 NIL 354.1 - Atlas Battery Limited
28-Oct-24 FEROZ JUN 9.20 3.23 43.502 140.510 NIL 286.53 - Ferozsons Laboratories Limited
28-Oct-24 STJT JUN 2.81 1.08 9.660 10.419 NIL 74.25 - Shataj Textiles
28-Oct-24 INIL JUN 11.17 3.44 131.881 453.950 NIL 155.68 - International Ind.
28-Oct-24 ITTEFAQ JUN -5.69 -0.78 144.340 -111.914 NIL 5.53 - Ittefaq Iron Industries Limited
28-Oct-24 SGF DEC 5.74 2.23 1.73 3.96 205.917 356.638 NIL 69.98 - Service Global Footwear Limited
28-Oct-24 DYNO JUN 63.14 8.05 18.870 151.841 NIL 186.9 - Dynea Pakistan Limited
28-Oct-24 DEL JUN 1.11 0.35 27.500 9.542 NIL 7.27 - Dawood Equities Limited
28-Oct-24 CPPL JUN 18.04 2.67 49.095 131.026 NIL 107.12 - Cherat Packaging Limited
28-Oct-24 SLCL JUN 0.44 0.02 36.300 0.820 NIL 1 - Security Leasing
28-Oct-24 FHAM JUN 6.23 1.72 110.830 190.258 NIL 15.6 - Habib Modaraba Ist
28-Oct-24 ASIC DEC 1.17 1.21 0.55 1.76 73.008 40.007 NIL 17.14 - Asia Insurance Corpoaration
28-Oct-24 TPLP JUN -6.46 -1.57 561.806 -884.325 NIL 7.52 - TPL Properties
28-Oct-24 ARPAK JUN -62.39 -12.78 4.000 -51.101 NIL 55 - Arpak International Investment Limited
28-Oct-24 FFC DEC 23.32 20.49 12.95 33.44 1272.225 16481.492 NIL 284.46 - Fauji Fertilizer
28-Oct-24 STYLERS JUN 3.40 0.67 435.287 290.031 NIL 42 - Stylers International Limited
28-Oct-24 GGGL JUN 0.60 0.21 240.000 50.375 NIL 6.06 - Ghani Global Glass Limited
28-Oct-24 GGL JUN 0.07 0.003 354.119 1.186 NIL 9.17 - Ghani Global Holdings Limited
28-Oct-24 SHEZ JUN -47.89 1.06 9.663 10.283 NIL 87.75 - Shezan International
28-Oct-24 CNERGY JUN 0.19 -0.30 5329.884 -1598.263 NIL 3.83 - Cnergyico PK Limited
28-Oct-24 ESBL JUN -0.17 -0.07 135.600 -9.366 NIL 3.5 - Escorts Investment Bank
28-Oct-24 HMIM JUN -0.45 -0.11 11.970 -1.257 NIL 8.75 - Haji Mohammad Ismail
28-Oct-24 HINOON DEC 45.35 28.34 16.21 44.55 52.983 858.798 NIL 803.68 - Highnoon Laboratories
28-Oct-24 JVDC JUN 4.47 2.39 380.860 909.855 NIL 40.8 - Javedan Cement
28-Oct-24 WAHN JUN 61.05 12.31 9.000 110.786 NIL 220.13 - Wah Nobal Chemicals
28-Oct-24 GRYL JUN 0.36 0.11 21.500 2.377 NIL 4.75 - Grays Leasing
28-Oct-24 LUCK JUN 95.93 22.40 293.000 6561.864 NIL 909.38 - Lucky Cement
28-Oct-24 GCIL JUN 1.57 0.61 500.187 303.145 NIL 11.5 - Ghani Chemical Industries Limited
28-Oct-24 PICT DEC 14.50 2.53 3.64 6.17 109.152 397.109 91.00% 42.21 11/11 - 13/11 Rs 9.10/- per share Pakistan International Container Limited
28-Oct-24 TGL JUN 25.41 4.10 172.166 705.492 NIL 113.04 - Tariq Glass Ind.
28-Oct-24 AHTM JUN 4.80 1.01 8.471 8.535 NIL 55 - Ahmed Hassan Textiles
26-Oct-24 HTL JUN 0.80 0.59 139.205 81.809 NIL 39.57 - Hi Tech Lubricants limited
26-Oct-24 SHFA JUN 21.55 9.95 63.209 628.675 NIL 224.6 - Shifa Int. Hospital
26-Oct-24 ECOP JUN 2.67 1.18 48.254 57.115 NIL 19.95 - Ecopack Limited
26-Oct-24 MACTER JUN 9.32 2.03 45.811 92.960 NIL 126.6 - Macter International Limited
26-Oct-24 PMI JUN 0.48 0.06 129.391 7.189 NIL 2.6 - Prudential Mod .ist
26-Oct-24 GADT JUN 28.35 20.83 28.029 583.928 NIL 182.99 - Gadoon Tex
26-Oct-24 INDU JUN 191.76 64.77 78.600 5090.804 390.00% 1817.93 08/11 - 12/11 Rs 39/- per share Indus Motor
26-Oct-24 FCIBL JUN 0.49 0.17 65.000 11.273 NIL 7.84 - First Credit & Investment Bank Limited
26-Oct-24 SAZEW JUN 131.29 69.77 60.445 4217.473 100.00% 986.85 07/11 - 09/11 Rs 10/- per share Sazgar Engineering
25-Oct-24 PKGS DEC 31.08 8.50 5.20 13.70 89.379 464.663 NIL 464.33 - Packages Limited
25-Oct-24 GATM JUN 6.39 0.45 740.059 334.869 NIL 21.18 - Gul Ahmad Textile Limited
25-Oct-24 LCI JUN 120.62 28.10 92.359 2595.457 NIL 1229.06 - Lucky Core Industries Limited
25-Oct-24 AGTL DEC 45.06 29.90 10.96 40.86 57.974 635.675 NIL 448.86 - Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited
25-Oct-24 FNBM JUN 1.39 -0.01 25.000 -0.361 NIL 0.64 - First National Bank Modaraba
25-Oct-24 COLG JUN 71.23 21.02 242.773 5104.153 NIL 1224.91 - Colgate Palmolives
25-Oct-24 DIIL JUN -2.69 -0.42 9.000 -3.789 NIL 20.5 - Diamond Industries
25-Oct-24 KHYT JUN -3.80 -3.22 1.228 -3.955 NIL 504.52 - Khyber Textile Mills Limited
25-Oct-24 OGDC JUN 48.59 9.54 4300.920 41019.911 30.00% 175.32 08/11 - 11/11 Rs 3/- per share Oil & Gas Development Corp. Limited
25-Oct-24 FECM JUN 2.08 -0.03 11.340 -0.354 NIL 7.98 - Elite Capital Mod Ist
25-Oct-24 CLOV JUN 6.18 2.82 31.142 87.686 NIL 41.43 - Clover Pakistan Limited
25-Oct-24 UDLI JUN - -0.07 35.120 -2.522 NIL 7.99 - Udli Industries
25-Oct-24 FCCL JUN 3.35 1.32 2452.847 3246.726 NIL 31.46 - Fauji Cement
25-Oct-24 JSBL DEC 2.75 1.34 0.16 1.50 2050.662 337.504 NIL 8.6 - JS Bank Limited
25-Oct-24 PINL DEC 0.16 -0.23 0.64 0.41 50.564 32.603 NIL 6 - Premier Insurance
25-Oct-24 ORM JUN 2.91 0.67 75.000 50.337 NIL 7.39 - Orient Rental Modaraba
25-Oct-24 BERG JUN 10.71 3.14 24.551 77.057 NIL 81.79 - Berger Paints
25-Oct-24 LOTCHEM DEC 3.35 1.43 0.33 1.76 1514.206 494.942 NIL 17.77 - Lotte Chemical Limited
25-Oct-24 MUREB JUN 94.76 33.04 27.662 913.860 50.00% 592.89 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 5/- per share Murree Brewery
25-Oct-24 IBFL DEC 0.98 3.69 1.88 5.57 310.500 582.662 NIL 340 - Ibrahim Fibres
25-Oct-24 SZTM JUN -5.50 -1.60 17.971 -28.746 NIL 31.14 - Shahzad Tex
25-Oct-24 PSO JUN 33.79 8.46 469.474 3970.998 NIL 205.24 - Pakistan State Oil
25-Oct-24 ABOT DEC 2.67 21.86 18.48 40.34 97.900 1809.143 NIL 818.05 - Abbot Laboratories
25-Oct-24 SHDT JUN 5.93 2.13 16.600 35.377 NIL 16 - Shadab Tex
25-Oct-24 SHCI JUN -1.25 0.06 12.000 0.766 NIL 6.49 - Shiffi Chemical Industries Limited
25-Oct-24 MTL JUN 51.70 2.97 191.798 569.211 NIL 561.8 - Millat Tractors Limited
25-Oct-24 PIM JUN 1.76 0.27 20.000 5.370 NIL 12.57 - Popular Islamic Modaraba
24-Oct-24 MACFL JUN 4.35 0.13 59.301 7.454 NIL 17 - Macpac Films Limited
24-Oct-24 PAKOXY DEC 1.66 3.57 1.68 5.25 87.124 146.289 NIL 132.5 - Pak Oxygen Limited
24-Oct-24 KTML JUN 8.07 1.92 269.299 517.592 NIL 85 - Kohinoor Tex
24-Oct-24 GWLC JUN 4.35 1.34 400.273 535.079 NIL 35.32 - Gharibwal Cement
24-Oct-24 PGLC JUN 1.59 0.80 49.471 39.761 22.00% 8.3 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 2.20/- per share Pak Gulf Leasing
24-Oct-24 RMPL DEC 748.43 401.72 200.78 602.50 9.236 1854.519 1000.00% 7028.56 06/11 - 07/11 Rs 100/- per share Rafhan Maiz Prod.
24-Oct-24 FANM JUN 0.02 -0.30 23.100 -6.916 NIL 3.88 - Al-noor Modarab 1st
24-Oct-24 HMB DEC 23.27 10.97 7.07 18.04 1047.830 7412.966 25.00% 71.5 06/11 - 08/11 Rs 2.50/- per share Habib Metro Bank
24-Oct-24 ISL JUN 8.40 0.41 435.000 179.428 NIL 72.15 -  Inter Steel Limited
24-Oct-24 FLYNG JUN 0.07 0.03 694.800 23.501 NIL 20.3 - Flying Cement Limited
24-Oct-24 HALEON DEC 8.51 16.00 11.36 27.36 117.054 1329.784 50.00% 653 07/11 - 08/11 Rs 5/- per share Haleon Pakistan Limited
24-Oct-24 786 JUN 0.38 0.54 14.973 8.131 NIL 5.53 - 786 Investment Limited
24-Oct-24 OLPL JUN 7.94 1.85 175.407 324.499 NIL 29.84 - OLP Financial Services Pakistan
24-Oct-24 FABL DEC 13.21 8.74 4.28 13.02 1517.696 6497.886 15.00% 51 06/11 - 08/11 Rs 1.5/- per share Faysal Bank
24-Oct-24 BATA DEC 121.20 62.30 14.07 76.37 7.560 106.405 1300.00% 1750 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 130/- per share Bata Pakistan Limited
24-Oct-24 NESTLE DEC 363.68 222.05 51.32 273.37 45.350 2327.303 250.00% 65.65 04/11 - 06/11 Rs 25/- per share Nestle Pakistan Limited
24-Oct-24 BIPL DEC 9.96 6.37 2.83 9.20 1108.703 3142.803 NIL 23 - Bankislami Pakistan
24-Oct-24 JGICL DEC 15.09 8.75 4.36 13.11 198.491 865.191 NIL 42 - Jubilee Gen.Insurance Company Limited
24-Oct-24 HUSI JUN 2.86 1.17 10.620 12.381 NIL 19.35 - Hussain Industries
24-Oct-24 PPP JUN 19.49 1.59 7.999 12.717 NIL 82.24 - Pakistan Paper Products
24-Oct-24 ALAC DEC -1.10 -0.35 -0.09 -0.44 150.172 -13.550 NIL 4.98 - Askari Life Assurance
24-Oct-24 KOHC JUN 45.41 17.56 195.861 3438.857 NIL 365 - Kohat Cement
24-Oct-24 HRPL JUN -2.31 -1.44 40.000 -57.625 NIL 33 - Habib Rice Production Limited
24-Oct-24 BCL JUN 10.34 -3.37 11.475 -38.639 NIL 96.94 - Bolan Casting
24-Oct-24 OML JUN 1.64 0.71 12.000 8.548 NIL 22.32 - Olympia Mills Limited
24-Oct-24 PAKT DEC 113.35 43.04 34.91 77.95 255.494 8918.023 300.00% 1093.97 01/11 - 05/11 Rs 30/- per share Pakistan Tobacco
24-Oct-24 GTYR JUN 1.88 0.17 121.931 21.141 NIL 38.66 - General Tyre &rubber Co.
24-Oct-24 BAPL JUN -3.02 -0.25 7.501 -1.858 NIL 32.8 - Bawany Air Products Limited
24-Oct-24 BAHL DEC 23.12 18.98 10.77 29.75 1111.426 11970.291 35.00% 108.14 01/11 - 05/11 Rs 3.50/- per share Bank Al-Habib Limited
24-Oct-24 KML JUN -0.39 0.21 50.904 10.875 NIL 30.51 - Kohinoor Mills
24-Oct-24 ILP JUN 11.25 0.16 1401.445 222.278 NIL 69 - Interloop Limited
24-Oct-24 TRSM JUN 0.71 0.21 29.800 6.293 NIL 3.8 - Trust Modarba
23-Oct-24 HPL DEC 37.43 85.69 39.31 125.00 9.640 378.906 NIL 2407.24 - Hoechst Pakistan Limited
23-Oct-24 MLCF JUN 4.91 1.25 1073.346 1342.410 NIL 38.82 - Maple Leaf Cement
23-Oct-24 FPRM JUN 2.07 0.46 13.788 6.332 NIL 8.18 - Paramount
23-Oct-24 IGIL DEC 0.84 0.62 0.46 1.08 170.567 78.722 NIL 13.74 - IGI Life Insurance Limited
23-Oct-24 KAPCO JUN 4.90 1.32 880.250 1162.207 NIL 26.12 - Kot Addu Power Company Limited
23-Oct-24 BWCL JUN 23.09 6.81 596.252 4060.648 80.00% 274.27 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 8/- per share Bestway Cement
23-Oct-24 SINDM JUN 4.46 1.09 45.140 49.280 NIL 9.25 - Sindh Modaraba
23-Oct-24 UBL DEC 43.44 24.05 20.86 44.91 1224.179 25540.314 110.00% 295.13 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 11/- per share United Bank Limited
23-Oct-24 AGIC DEC 6.02 4.32 2.09 6.41 71.901 150.557 NIL 22.19 - Askari General Insurance
23-Oct-24 FIMM JUN 24.11 9.72 3.000 29.162 NIL 141 - Imroz
23-Oct-24 ICIBL JUN 0.44 0.12 284.870 33.839 NIL 1.52 - Investment Capital Bank
23-Oct-24 GAL JUN -4.54 7.12 57.002 405.705 NIL 207.51 - Ghandhara Automobiles Limited
23-Oct-24 MCB DEC 50.32 26.95 13.94 40.89 1185.060 16514.326 90.00% 247.36 04/11 - 06/11 Rs 9/- per share Muslim Commercial Bank Limited
23-Oct-24 BIFO JUN 6.36 2.13 46.382 98.588 NIL 102.69 - Baifo Industries
23-Oct-24 ISIL JUN 92.41 21.63 66.356 1435.531 NIL 1703.97 - Ismail Industries
23-Oct-24 LOADS JUN 3.29 0.32 251.250 79.518 NIL 10.81 - Loads Limited
23-Oct-24 FFBL DEC 3.41 8.17 6.20 14.37 1291.252 8008.574 NIL 55.93 - Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim
23-Oct-24 IPAK JUN 1.62 0.01 700.200 9.744 NIL 21.79 - International Packaging Films
23-Oct-24 GHNI JUN 18.34 14.99 42.608 638.604 NIL 408.9 - Ghandara Industries Limited
23-Oct-24 PSX JUN 1.28 0.31 801.476 248.442 NIL 17.85 - Pakistan Stock Exchange
23-Oct-24 CSIL DEC 0.63 1.09 0.10 1.19 107.695 10.339 NIL 3.05 - Cresent Star Insurance
23-Oct-24 PIL DEC 0.02 0.21 -0.05 0.16 35.000 -1.789 NIL 1.78 - PICIC Insurance Limited
22-Oct-24 PAKD JUN 16.21 3.24 11.858 38.465 NIL 68.26 - Pak Datacom Limited
22-Oct-24 JSIL DEC 5.02 2.89 1.25 4.14 61.774 77.420 NIL 22.13 - JS Investment Limited
22-Oct-24 PIBTL JUN 0.92 -0.18 1786.092 -320.893 NIL 6.74 - Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited
22-Oct-24 JSGCL DEC 10.03 5.93 2.34 8.27 27.477 64.383 NIL 115 - Js Global Capital
22-Oct-24 JLICL DEC 22.98 12.17 5.15 17.32 100.352 516.530 NIL 129.81 - Jubilee Life Insurance Limited
22-Oct-24 PNSC JUN 37.74 10.81 132.060 1427.494 NIL 283.99 - Pakistan National Shipping Corp.
22-Oct-24 FFL DEC 0.24 0.14 0.09 0.23 2519.963 233.709 NIL 9.55 - Fauji Foods Limited
22-Oct-24 DINT JUN -52.77 -6.63 52.466 -347.723 NIL 56.5 - Din Textile Mills Limited
22-Oct-24 LPL DEC 12.05 8.03 4.43 12.46 379.840 1683.604 NIL 20.6 - Lalpir Power Limited
22-Oct-24 KOHE JUN 9.44 1.85 169.458 313.734 NIL 22.84 - Kohinoor Energy Limited
21-Oct-24 MCBIM JUN 11.96 3.80 72.000 273.472 NIL 37.15 - MCB Investment Management Limited.
21-Oct-24 SYS DEC 29.47 8.45 5.99 14.44 290.407 1740.111 NIL 415.17 - Systems Limited
21-Oct-24 EPCL DEC 9.45 -1.39 -0.54 -1.93 908.923 -487.654 NIL 32.22 - Engro Polymer and Chemicals Limited
21-Oct-24 SEPL JUN 25.12 6.52 59.256 386.187 NIL 139.56 - Security Papers
21-Oct-24 AGIL JUN -7.66 -3.58 36.000 -128.853 NIL 78.2 - Agriautos Industries Limited
21-Oct-24 UPFL DEC 1529.68 597.42 255.48 852.90 6.369 1627.170 5110.00% 17740.64 05/11 - 07/11 Rs 511/- per share Unilever Pakistan Foods
21-Oct-24 MEBL DEC 47.20 28.92 14.40 43.32 1789.623 25773.478 70.00% 240.86 31/10 - 01/11 Rs 7/- per share Meezan Bank
21-Oct-24 AICL DEC 6.46 5.45 3.08 8.53 350.000 1079.116 NIL 34.35 - Adamjee Insurance
21-Oct-24 ZIL DEC 40.53 -0.57 2.25 1.68 6.118 13.754 NIL 211.61 - ZIL Limited
19-Oct-24 UVIC DEC -3.10 -0.57 0.19 -0.38 50.000 9.544 NIL 7.44 - Universal Insurance
18-Oct-24 POL JUN 137.93 9.05 283.854 2568.760 NIL 574 - Pakistan Oil Fields Limited
18-Oct-24 ACPL JUN 25.95 0.45 137.424 61.910 NIL 118.75 - Attock Cement
18-Oct-24 NRL JUN -197.46 -90.50 79.966 -7236.585 NIL 216.9 - National Refinery Limited
18-Oct-24 PRL JUN 6.45 -3.73 630.000 -2350.408 NIL 26.45 - Pakistan Refinery Limited
18-Oct-24 ALIFE DEC 3.63 2.60 1.96 4.56 250.000 490.752 NIL 32.98 - Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited
18-Oct-24 APL JUN 111.09 19.17 124.415 2384.624 NIL 432 - Attock Petroleum Limited
18-Oct-24 ATRL JUN 236.78 31.23 106.615 3329.608 NIL 385.04 - Attock Refinery Limited
17-Oct-24 FCEPL DEC 1.97 1.64 1.00 2.64 766.596 765.828 NIL 60.18 - FrieslandCampina Engro Pakistan Limited
17-Oct-24 PAEL DEC 1.55 1.65 0.52 2.17 856.012 447.008 NIL 25.58 - Pak Elektron Limited
17-Oct-24 BAFL DEC 23.12 13.06 8.26 21.32 1577.165 13033.917 20.00% 67.75 31/10 - 01/11 Rs 2/- per share Bank Alfalah Limited
17-Oct-24 DGKC JUN 1.24 1.84 438.117 804.129 NIL 78.83 - Dera Ghazi Khan Cement Company Limited
17-Oct-24 DOL JUN 2.69 1.00 175.031 175.650 NIL 19.46 - Descon Oxychem Limited
16-Oct-24 SNBL DEC 5.50 2.90 1.37 4.27 1103.977 1513.321 NIL 14.27 - Soneri Bank Limited
15-Oct-24 NATF JUN 5.44 -0.34 233.115 -78.605 NIL 168.5 - National Food Limited
14-Oct-24 PTC DEC 1.84 0.22 -0.03 0.19 5100.000 -137.082 NIL 15.37 - Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
14-Oct-24 TRIPF DEC 25.24 1.45 -8.94 -7.49 38.800 -346.788 NIL 111.1 - Tri-pak Films
14-Oct-24 EPQL DEC 7.78 4.98 3.92 8.90 322.923 1265.052 25.00% 25.14 28/10 - 29/10 Rs 2.50/- per share Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited
14-Oct-24 EFERT DEC 19.23 8.88 5.73 14.61 1335.299 7655.926 25.00% 189.64 29/10 - 30/10 Rs 2.50/- per share ENGRO Fertilizer Limited.
12-Oct-24 SPEL JUN 3.36 1.43 199.736 284.923 NIL 31.35 - Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited
10-Oct-24 BWHL JUN 18.05 6.08 13.330 81.038 NIL 104.78 - Baluchistan Wheels
9-Oct-24 SLGL DEC 2.22 0.83 0.60 1.43 273.639 162.956 NIL 17.26 - Secure Logistics Group Limited
(B) Bonus Shares                  (I) Interim Dividend              (R) Right Shares              (F) Final Dividend              (Prf) Preference Shares                  (P) Preferred Cash Divident              (Green Colour) Positive               (Red Colour) Negitive
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