Symbol Name Sector Turnover Open (Rs) High (Rs) Low (Rs) Close (Rs) Change (Rs) Change %
UPFL Unilever Pakistan Foods Food and Personal Care Products 24 20,785.98 21,400.00 20,776.00 21,399.80 613.82 2.95
NESTLE Nestle Pakistan Limited Food and Personal Care Products 202 7,113.00 7,965.00 7,113.00 7,311.65 198.65 2.79
INDU Indus Motor Automobile Assembler 1,160 2,061.00 2,249.98 2,061.00 2,228.35 167.35 8.12
AWTX Allawasaya Textiles And Weaving Mills Limited Textile Spinning 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,297.54 97.54 8.13
SAPT Sapphire Textiles Textile Composite 477 1,160.10 1,235.00 1,150.10 1,235.00 74.90 6.46
JDWS J.d.w.sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 197 621.00 756.99 621.00 693.43 72.43 11.66
RCML Reliance Cotton Textile Spinning 1 621.00 621.00 621.00 690.00 69.00 11.11
PSEL Pakistan Services Limited Miscellaneous 576 718.00 849.98 718.00 774.34 56.34 7.85
SYS Systems Limited Technology and Communication 721,972 552.81 608.05 552.77 599.78 46.97 8.50
MARI Mari Petroleum Company Limited Oil and Gas Exploration Companies 9,060,684 650.00 715.00 611.50 694.98 44.98 6.92
HPL Hoechst Pakistan Limited Pharmaceuticals 392 2,683.00 2,750.00 2,655.00 2,725.00 42.00 1.57
KOHC Kohat Cement Cement 157,428 360.00 397.41 360.00 394.56 34.56 9.60
HALEON Haleon Pakistan Limited Pharmaceuticals 170,504 867.00 921.50 867.00 898.99 31.99 3.69
ISIL Ismail Industries Food and Personal Care Products 60 1,880.00 1,949.00 1,880.00 1,907.00 27.00 1.44
OTSU Otsuka Pakistan Limited Pharmaceuticals 144,678 166.55 193.02 166.55 192.32 25.77 15.47
CHCC Charat Cement Company Limited Cement 757,501 259.94 285.93 259.94 284.51 24.57 9.45
LUCK Lucky Cement Cement 281,707 1,084.00 1,120.99 1,073.00 1,107.43 23.43 2.16
ZIL ZIL Limited Food and Personal Care Products 25 228.10 258.25 228.00 250.00 21.90 9.60
ARPL Archroma Pakistan Limited Chemical 15,881 385.00 415.00 385.00 406.77 21.77 5.65
BFBIO BF Biosciences Limited Pharmaceuticals 2,177,492 191.26 210.39 189.50 210.39 19.13 10.00
WAHN Wah Nobal Chemicals Chemical 52,670 255.00 273.37 236.00 273.37 18.37 7.20
DLL Dawood Lawrencepur Limited Textile Composite 102 202.20 225.00 202.20 219.66 17.46 8.64
THCCL Thatta Cement Company Limited Cement 4,559,599 186.00 204.07 182.61 203.40 17.40 9.35
ATRL Attock Refinery Limited Refinery 2,086,815 713.00 742.00 711.00 730.14 17.14 2.40
UBL United Bank Limited Commercial Banks 712,715 332.01 349.89 332.01 346.18 14.17 4.27
AGTL Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited Automobile Assembler 26,339 554.00 572.00 526.00 567.39 13.39 2.42
PSO Pakistan State Oil Oil and Gas Marketing Companies 6,954,013 384.00 405.00 378.21 397.05 13.05 3.40
KTML Kohinoor Tex Textile Composite 26,854 107.01 125.00 107.01 119.88 12.87 12.03
PIOC Pioneer Cement Cement 636,393 183.25 203.95 181.13 195.82 12.57 6.86
MACTER Macter International Limited Pharmaceuticals 11,253 345.00 395.00 330.18 356.88 11.88 3.44
LCI Lucky Core Industries Limited Chemical 3,346 1,027.01 1,073.98 1,026.01 1,038.81 11.80 1.15
SHEL Shell Pakistan Oil and Gas Marketing Companies 140,978 197.01 212.00 197.00 208.73 11.72 5.95
AKDHL AKD Hospitality Limited Miscellaneous 11,902 143.10 162.79 143.10 154.21 11.11 7.76
SIEM Siemens Engineering Cable and Electrical Goods 2,748 1,505.00 1,516.00 1,501.00 1,516.00 11.00 0.73
GADT Gadoon Tex Textile Spinning 3,795 215.00 230.00 215.00 225.28 10.28 4.78
FFC Fauji Fertilizer Fertilizer 3,876,964 375.00 389.00 365.01 385.18 10.18 2.71
POL Pakistan Oil Fields Limited Oil and Gas Exploration Companies 592,838 623.00 636.00 615.00 633.07 10.07 1.62
ENGRO Engro Chemical Fertilizer 858,656 386.00 399.90 385.00 396.06 10.06 2.61
FFBL Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Fertilizer 7,646,849 80.51 90.44 80.51 88.94 8.43 10.47
BATA Bata Pakistan Limited Leather and Tanneries 265 1,800.00 1,831.97 1,800.00 1,808.33 8.33 0.46
MCB Muslim Commercial Bank Limited Commercial Banks 858,265 259.00 272.00 251.03 267.31 8.31 3.21
DAWH Dawood Hercules Fertilizer 28,355 195.51 205.00 195.51 203.60 8.09 4.14
GAL Ghandhara Automobiles Limited Automobile Assembler 1,056,153 260.02 270.60 250.00 268.01 7.99 3.07
THALL Thal Limited Automobile Parts and Accessories 52,295 395.00 413.00 386.00 402.47 7.47 1.89
ARPAK Arpak International Investment Limited Miscellaneous 292 65.20 65.60 65.17 72.41 7.21 11.06
HUBC Hub Power Co Power Generation and Distribution 20,727,996 120.60 128.00 118.00 127.55 6.95 5.76
NONS Noon Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 225 83.00 96.99 83.00 89.94 6.94 8.36
SRVI Service Ind. Leather and Tanneries 8,082 1,492.00 1,519.00 1,420.00 1,498.82 6.82 0.46
SEARL Searle Pakistan Pharmaceuticals 8,645,346 97.00 106.00 95.50 103.60 6.60 6.80
MEBL Meezan Bank Commercial Banks 1,696,946 211.99 226.50 211.50 218.52 6.53 3.08
GHNI Ghandara Industries Limited Automobile Assembler 584,527 519.00 529.29 502.00 525.42 6.42 1.24
ICL Ittehad Chemical Chemical 511,635 61.89 68.08 61.89 68.08 6.19 10.00
GVGL Ghani Value Glass Limited Glass and Ceramics 35,292 45.01 52.90 45.00 51.00 5.99 13.31
SAZEW Sazgar Engineering Automobile Assembler 299,629 1,076.00 1,108.00 1,070.01 1,081.54 5.54 0.51
PNSC Pakistan National Shipping Corp. Transport 206,321 495.00 507.80 472.00 500.38 5.38 1.09
MTL Millat Tractors Limited Automobile Assembler 183,185 599.98 611.00 572.00 605.35 5.37 0.90
BERG Berger Paints Chemical 146,267 98.05 103.90 98.05 103.38 5.33 5.44
PABC Pakistan Aluminium Beverage Cans Limited Miscellaneous 253,990 117.50 124.24 115.30 122.80 5.30 4.51
GLAXO Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals 341,164 378.00 399.00 375.00 383.03 5.03 1.33
HINO Hinopak Motors Automobile Assembler 34,041 412.00 421.99 381.10 416.87 4.87 1.18
DGKC Dera Ghazi Khan Cement Company Limited Cement 3,749,066 92.11 97.60 92.11 96.86 4.75 5.16
GWLC Gharibwal Cement Cement 2,326,680 46.00 51.41 45.60 50.68 4.68 10.17
OGDC Oil & Gas Development Corp. Limited Oil and Gas Exploration Companies 6,057,125 210.00 216.49 206.51 214.67 4.67 2.22
DSML Dar-es-slaam Textile Spinning 1 41.93 41.93 41.93 46.59 4.66 11.11
PPP Pakistan Paper Products Paper and Board 45,633 79.98 84.74 79.50 84.61 4.63 5.79
BAFL Bank Alfalah Limited Commercial Banks 1,156,522 74.99 79.89 74.50 79.60 4.61 6.15
PPL Pakistan Petroleum Limited Oil and Gas Exploration Companies 6,581,109 189.00 196.00 182.00 193.08 4.08 2.16
PAKD Pak Datacom Limited Technology and Communication 368,006 121.70 125.76 102.90 125.76 4.06 3.34
FATIMA Fatima Fertilizer Limited Fertilizer 1,391,384 71.00 77.45 70.10 75.03 4.03 5.68
NETSOL Netsol Technologies Limited Technology and Communication 2,528,187 141.05 146.31 138.03 145.05 4.00 2.84
CFL Crescent Fibres Limited Textile Spinning 1 40.01 40.01 40.01 43.97 3.96 9.90
SASML Sind Abadgar Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 601 36.80 44.00 36.80 40.67 3.87 10.52
OML Olympia Mills Limited Textile Spinning 52 34.60 34.60 34.58 38.42 3.82 11.04
SCBPL Standard Chartered Bank (pakistan) Limited Commercial Banks 130,653 52.00 56.65 51.60 55.72 3.72 7.15
EMCO Emco Industries Glass and Ceramics 79,812 29.55 35.12 29.55 33.20 3.65 12.35
HBL Habib Bank Limited Commercial Banks 1,293,668 153.11 157.00 153.00 156.55 3.44 2.25
MQTM Maqbool Textile Textile Spinning 8 31.05 31.10 31.05 34.48 3.43 11.05
POML Punjab Oil Mills Limited Vanaspati and Allied Industries 20,156 160.00 165.00 141.96 163.37 3.37 2.11
AIRLINK Air Link Communication Limited Technology and Communication 2,660,926 194.00 198.70 190.01 197.36 3.36 1.73
ISL Inter Steel Limited Engineering 548,029 80.51 84.50 80.50 83.85 3.34 4.15
FEROZ Ferozsons Laboratories Limited Pharmaceuticals 212,984 322.00 329.99 313.00 325.29 3.29 1.02
INIL International Ind. Engineering 346,025 164.99 171.90 163.50 168.19 3.20 1.94
HCAR Honda Atlas Cars Automobile Assembler 682,050 296.00 303.00 286.00 299.16 3.16 1.07
OCTOPUS Octopus Digital Limited Technology and Communication 756,625 66.61 70.99 66.61 69.77 3.16 4.74
NML Nishat Mills Limited Textile Composite 1,316,959 101.56 109.00 99.00 104.69 3.13 3.08
GOC GOC (PAK) LIMITED Miscellaneous 467 60.01 69.99 60.00 63.13 3.12 5.20
KSBP KSB Pumps Company Limited Engineering 54,630 142.01 148.00 141.12 145.10 3.09 2.18
TRG The Resource Group Of Pakistan Technology and Communication 4,530,358 52.51 56.08 52.51 55.59 3.08 5.87
IMS Intermarket Securities Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 45,625 71.90 78.00 69.00 74.88 2.98 4.14
BBFL Big Bird Foods Limited Food and Personal Care Products 1,482,249 48.21 52.00 47.50 51.06 2.85 5.91
BWHL Baluchistan Wheels Automobile Parts and Accessories 27,956 137.00 141.00 137.00 139.73 2.73 1.99
FML Feroze 1888 Mills Limited Textile Weaving 21,055 67.86 72.99 67.86 70.55 2.69 3.96
SNAI Sana Industries Textile Spinning 5,478 30.02 33.69 30.02 32.70 2.68 8.93
SHCM Shadman Cotton Textile Spinning 4 24.15 27.00 24.15 26.80 2.65 10.97
MLCF Maple Leaf Cement Cement 9,012,717 42.11 45.25 42.09 44.70 2.59 6.15
KOHTM Kohat Tex Textile Spinning 3,822 30.31 33.00 30.31 32.90 2.59 8.55
SNGP Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited Oil and Gas Marketing Companies 10,693,507 95.10 99.20 92.10 97.68 2.58 2.71
ATIL Atlas Insurance Limited Insurance 6,780 55.01 57.50 54.85 57.49 2.48 4.51
OLPL OLP Financial Services Pakistan Leasing Companies 20,281 35.05 37.90 35.00 37.50 2.45 6.99
NBP National Bank Of Pakistan Limited Commercial Banks 4,682,773 59.00 62.48 58.00 61.42 2.42 4.10
CPHL Citi Pharma Limited Pharmaceuticals 6,307,736 64.70 68.00 63.26 67.09 2.39 3.69
FCEPL FrieslandCampina Engro Pakistan Limited Food and Personal Care Products 917,878 76.71 79.50 75.65 79.03 2.32 3.02
HTL Hi Tech Lubricants limited Oil and Gas Marketing Companies 1,179,025 46.21 49.50 46.00 48.41 2.20 4.76
AKBL Askari Commercial Bank Commercial Banks 431,050 34.49 37.00 34.10 36.66 2.17 6.29
JKSM J K Spinning Textile Spinning 57 58.00 60.00 55.10 60.14 2.14 3.69
JVDC Javedan Cement Cement 404,245 53.86 56.00 53.00 55.99 2.13 3.95
AVN Avanceon Limited Technology and Communication 2,340,308 54.30 56.80 53.11 56.31 2.01 3.70
SFL Sapphire Fibres Limited Textile Composite 137 1,200.00 1,224.99 1,200.00 1,202.00 2.00 0.17
PTC Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Technology and Communication 11,733,925 23.80 25.80 23.53 25.80 2.00 8.40
CCM Crescent Cotton Products Textile Spinning 1 48.00 48.00 48.00 50.00 2.00 4.17
GEMSPNL Supernet Limited Technology and Communication 159,201 15.00 17.05 15.00 16.92 1.92 12.80
MUGHAL Mughal Iron and Steel Limited Engineering 316,305 75.99 78.98 74.10 77.87 1.88 2.47
FASM Faisal Spinning Mills Limited Textile Composite 1 253.00 253.00 253.00 254.87 1.87 0.74
FLYNG Flying Cement Limited Cement 1,036,885 26.50 28.75 25.51 28.31 1.81 6.83
NRSL Nimir Resins Limited Chemical 1,229,749 29.11 33.98 29.00 30.91 1.80 6.18
PECO Pakistan Engineering Engineering 145 697.90 700.00 697.90 699.56 1.66 0.24
STYLERS Stylers International Limited Textile Composite 7,538 39.25 40.90 39.25 40.90 1.65 4.20
PAEL Pak Elektron Limited Cable and Electrical Goods 23,717,939 37.16 39.30 36.63 38.79 1.63 4.39
UBDL United Brands Limited Miscellaneous 61,163 22.00 24.50 22.00 23.60 1.60 7.27
GEMMEL Mughal Energy Limited Power Generation and Distribution 1,237 18.93 20.50 18.93 20.50 1.57 8.29
QUET Quetta Textiles Textile Composite 12,411 18.02 19.70 18.02 19.56 1.54 8.55
AGP AGP Limited Pharmaceuticals 428,337 162.01 166.00 158.00 163.49 1.48 0.91
DWAE Dewan Automotive Engineering Industrial Engineering 6,920 37.01 39.99 34.00 38.45 1.44 3.89
ARUJ Aruj Garment Accessories Limited Textile Composite 24,432 8.01 9.90 8.01 9.44 1.43 17.85
EFERT ENGRO Fertilizer Limited. Fertilizer 1,815,666 193.00 196.00 189.55 194.40 1.40 0.73
TPLRF1 TPL REIT Fund I Real Estate Investment Trust 56,533 12.60 14.49 12.60 14.00 1.40 11.11
FABL Faysal Bank Commercial Banks 940,485 45.50 47.00 45.35 46.82 1.32 2.90
FCCL Fauji Cement Cement 14,129,184 34.00 36.00 33.45 35.25 1.25 3.68
PICT Pakistan International Container Limited Transport 331,786 45.50 47.47 45.50 46.73 1.23 2.70
BAPL Bawany Air Products Limited Chemical 19,753 33.01 37.25 33.00 34.20 1.19 3.60
PHDL Pak Hotels Developers Miscellaneous 177,664 55.25 56.94 53.26 56.40 1.15 2.08
TOWL Toweller Limited Textile Composite 945 145.01 154.00 145.01 146.16 1.15 0.79
ADMM Artistic Denim Mills Textile Composite 12,575 46.01 47.10 46.00 47.09 1.08 2.35
PKGP Pakgen Power Limited Power Generation and Distribution 4,874 104.00 109.50 104.00 105.05 1.05 1.01
INKL International Knitwear Limited Textile Composite 77 14.01 15.75 14.01 15.04 1.03 7.35
ZTL Zephyr Textile Limited. Textile Weaving 1 10.80 10.80 10.80 11.81 1.01 9.35
MIIETF Mahaana Islamic Index ETF Exchange Traded Funds 156,500 13.99 15.00 13.41 14.99 1.00 7.15
MFL Matco Foods Limited Food and Personal Care Products 688,782 44.00 46.10 41.50 45.00 1.00 2.27
GAMON Gammon Pakistan Miscellaneous 640 48.59 53.69 48.59 49.59 1.00 2.06
EFUL Efu Life Assurance Insurance 23,427 177.00 181.76 176.20 177.99 0.99 0.56
IDSM Ideal Spinning Textile Spinning 1 10.31 10.31 10.31 11.30 0.99 9.60
IBLHL IBL Healthcare Limited Pharmaceuticals 227,889 39.98 41.45 39.00 40.92 0.94 2.35
TPLI TPL Insurance Insurance 106,520 10.07 11.09 9.81 10.98 0.91 9.04
PACE Pace Pakistan Limited Miscellaneous 43,280,462 6.29 7.23 5.90 7.19 0.90 14.31
LOTCHEM Lotte Chemical Limited Chemical 3,792,266 18.81 19.78 18.55 19.71 0.90 4.78
KSTM Khalid Siraj Tex Textile Spinning 2,203 8.70 9.60 8.15 9.60 0.90 10.34
TGL Tariq Glass Ind. Glass and Ceramics 192,683 134.00 140.00 128.50 134.88 0.88 0.66
DWTM Dewan Tex Textile Spinning 3,021 6.01 6.99 6.01 6.87 0.86 14.31
UDPL United Dist.pakistan Miscellaneous 8,926 55.01 56.00 54.60 55.87 0.86 1.56
GRR Globe Residency REIT Real Estate Investment Trust 6,990 13.86 14.84 13.51 14.70 0.84 6.06
MRNS Mehran Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 52,231 47.16 48.80 47.00 48.00 0.84 1.78
FTSM Tri-stab Modarabas 502 14.51 15.34 14.51 15.34 0.83 5.72
PREMA At-Tahur Limited Food and Personal Care Products 1,884,575 22.48 23.50 21.00 23.28 0.80 3.56
JSGCL Js Global Capital Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 3,226 120.15 121.50 120.00 120.95 0.80 0.67
STML Shams Tex Textile Composite 6 22.50 24.45 22.50 23.30 0.80 3.56
PAKOXY Pak Oxygen Limited Chemical 8,652 140.05 143.00 137.02 140.83 0.78 0.56
KOHP Kohinoor Power Co Power Generation and Distribution 445,625 6.50 7.45 6.50 7.26 0.76 11.69
IDYM Indus Dyeing Textile Spinning 4,836 122.94 131.80 118.00 123.69 0.75 0.61
TCORP Tariq Corp Limited Sugar and Allied Industries 1,911 14.55 15.45 14.22 15.30 0.75 5.15
ABL Allied Bank Limited Commercial Banks 17,475 127.65 130.00 127.50 128.39 0.74 0.58
RPL Roshan Packages Limited Paper and Board 1,225,432 17.20 18.18 16.90 17.92 0.72 4.19
ALTN Altern Energy Limited Power Generation and Distribution 902,956 20.00 20.95 19.80 20.70 0.70 3.50
ALIFE Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited Insurance 11,101 30.52 31.89 30.52 31.21 0.69 2.26
IGIL IGI Life Insurance Limited Insurance 1,197 14.05 15.00 14.05 14.73 0.68 4.84
PSX Pakistan Stock Exchange Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 2,486,650 22.30 23.11 21.75 22.96 0.66 2.96
CYAN Cyan Limited Insurance 115,946 33.99 34.99 33.33 34.64 0.65 1.91
MZNPETF Meezan Pakistan ETF Exchange Traded Funds 255,500 17.26 17.93 17.22 17.89 0.63 3.65
AKDSL AKD Securities Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 554,278 19.89 20.98 19.60 20.52 0.63 3.17
FCIBL First Credit & Investment Bank Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 1,603 7.52 8.90 7.52 8.15 0.63 8.38
DEL Dawood Equities Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 100,806 9.01 9.99 9.01 9.63 0.62 6.88
HGFA HBL Growth Fund Close-End Mutual Funds 14,063 10.25 10.88 10.25 10.85 0.60 5.85
RICL Reliance Insurance Insurance 15,004 12.00 12.60 12.00 12.60 0.60 5.00
SERT Service Textiles Textile Spinning 1,319 11.60 12.60 11.60 12.18 0.58 5.00
ICCI ICC Industries Textile Weaving 26,145 9.36 11.00 9.36 9.94 0.58 6.20
NPL Nishat Power Limited Power Generation and Distribution 229,579 33.45 34.30 33.40 34.01 0.56 1.67
KAPCO Kot Addu Power Company Limited Power Generation and Distribution 2,182,697 36.86 37.50 36.40 37.42 0.56 1.52
DWSM Dewan Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 166,718 5.04 5.80 5.04 5.60 0.56 11.11
BILF Bilal Fibre Textile Spinning 225,048 10.62 12.00 10.22 11.17 0.55 5.18
UCAPM Unicap Modaraba Modarabas 11,399 2.61 3.29 2.60 3.15 0.54 20.69
NITGETF NIT Pakistan ETF Exchange Traded Funds 16,000 23.50 24.03 23.50 24.03 0.53 2.26
SAIF Saif Textiles Textile Spinning 8,527 13.40 14.50 13.40 13.92 0.52 3.88
FCL Fast Cables Limited Cable and Electrical Goods 2,793,047 23.62 24.50 23.15 24.14 0.52 2.20
KOSM Kohinoor Spinning Textile Spinning 11,503,810 6.50 7.10 6.20 7.00 0.50 7.69
PCAL Pakistan Cables Cable and Electrical Goods 7,375 145.55 148.99 140.00 146.04 0.49 0.34
BAHL Bank Al-Habib Limited Commercial Banks 411,015 120.00 122.49 118.00 120.48 0.48 0.40
LOADS Loads Limited Automobile Parts and Accessories 782,102 14.15 14.75 14.01 14.63 0.48 3.39
PKGI Pakistan General Insurance Insurance 24,057 9.31 10.30 9.31 9.79 0.48 5.16
JGICL Jubilee Gen.Insurance Company Limited Insurance 100,446 49.90 50.80 49.00 50.38 0.48 0.96
PIAHCLA PIA Holding Company Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 7,140,150 17.25 17.85 16.55 17.72 0.47 2.72
PIL PICIC Insurance Limited Insurance 357,246 1.53 2.10 1.53 2.00 0.47 30.72
JATM J.a.tex Textile Spinning 69,414 41.45 42.48 38.00 41.91 0.46 1.11
PIBTL Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited Transport 12,054,560 7.81 8.39 7.81 8.25 0.44 5.63
FFL Fauji Foods Limited Food and Personal Care Products 20,644,270 12.75 13.28 12.16 13.17 0.42 3.29
ACIETF Al Falah Consumer ETF Exchange Traded Funds 29,000 13.84 14.25 13.84 14.25 0.41 2.96
IMAGE Image Pakistan Synthetic and Rayon 1,693,670 18.00 18.65 17.82 18.40 0.40 2.22
786 786 Investment Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 59,829 6.95 7.40 6.94 7.30 0.35 5.04
GFIL Ghazi Fabrics Textile Composite 14,461 9.69 10.29 9.11 10.04 0.35 3.61
UBLPETF UBL Pakistan ETF Exchange Traded Funds 42,000 21.85 22.35 21.85 22.19 0.34 1.56
SLYT Sally Textiles Textile Spinning 17,023 11.80 12.14 11.00 12.14 0.34 2.88
CWSM Chakwal Textile Spinning 174,573 47.88 49.99 45.00 48.22 0.34 0.71
NAGC Nagina Cotton Mills Limited Textile Spinning 14 54.00 54.00 48.92 54.33 0.33 0.61
NBPGETF National Bank Pakistan ETF Exchange Traded Funds 22,000 20.96 21.28 20.82 21.28 0.32 1.53
UNIC United Insurance Insurance 38,552 15.57 16.00 15.10 15.89 0.32 2.06
DCL Dewan Cement Limited Cement 1,288,465 8.51 8.96 8.32 8.82 0.31 3.64
BFMOD B. F. Modaraba Modarabas 2,502 8.00 9.00 8.00 8.31 0.31 3.88
QUICE Quice Food Industries Limited Food and Personal Care Products 656,314 5.90 6.25 5.90 6.20 0.30 5.08
TBL Treet Battery Limited Automobile Parts and Accessories 2,358,781 15.26 15.75 14.85 15.55 0.29 1.90
ESBL Escorts Investment Bank Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 14,735 4.50 4.79 4.50 4.79 0.29 6.44
FHAM Habib Modaraba Ist Modarabas 13,898 18.10 18.48 17.26 18.39 0.29 1.60
NEXT Next Capital Limited Leasing Companies 585 7.50 7.79 7.50 7.78 0.28 3.73
BGL Balochistan Glass Glass and Ceramics 756,955 12.20 12.59 12.05 12.48 0.28 2.30
CSAP Crescent Steel & Allied Product Engineering 997,889 100.00 101.90 97.00 100.27 0.27 0.27
MERIT Merit Packages Paper and Board 86,228 10.04 10.38 10.00 10.31 0.27 2.69
CLCPS Chenab Limited Pref Share Textile Composite 114,752 3.12 3.80 3.06 3.39 0.27 8.65
TSPL Tri-star Power Power Generation and Distribution 4,000 5.30 5.60 5.30 5.57 0.27 5.09
LPL Lalpir Power Limited Power Generation and Distribution 103,989 21.11 21.69 20.80 21.38 0.27 1.28
ILP Interloop Limited Textile Composite 981,689 69.00 70.49 67.57 69.26 0.26 0.38
IPAK International Packaging Films Paper and Board 11,297 21.93 22.24 21.76 22.19 0.26 1.19
FIBLM First Ibl Modaraba Modarabas 1,400 3.02 3.28 3.01 3.28 0.26 8.61
DFSM Dewan Farooque Spinning Textile Spinning 74,276 4.01 4.49 4.01 4.27 0.26 6.48
BOP Bank Of Punjab Commercial Banks 29,495,012 9.29 9.65 8.75 9.54 0.25 2.69
BECO BECO Steel Limited Textile Spinning 150,732 8.28 9.00 8.20 8.53 0.25 3.02
FCSC First Capital Securities Corporation Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 2,308,306 1.86 2.14 1.80 2.11 0.25 13.44
STPL Siddiqsons Tin Limited Miscellaneous 375,545 5.41 5.78 5.36 5.66 0.25 4.62
KOIL Kohinoor Industries Textile Composite 16,975 8.10 8.50 8.00 8.34 0.24 2.96
AGL Agritech Limited Chemical 81,624 37.80 38.37 37.80 38.02 0.22 0.58
GGGL Ghani Global Glass Limited Glass and Ceramics 5,927,754 8.25 8.80 8.11 8.45 0.20 2.42
SGPL S.g. Power Electricity 245,741 10.99 11.19 10.20 11.19 0.20 1.82
ITTEFAQ Ittefaq Iron Industries Limited Engineering 134,094 6.80 7.09 6.61 6.99 0.19 2.79
HIFA HBL Investment Fund Close-End Mutual Funds 278,486 3.57 3.85 3.53 3.76 0.19 5.32
EPCL Engro Polymer and Chemicals Limited Chemical 677,006 37.30 37.80 36.85 37.49 0.19 0.51
ARCTM Arctic Textile Mills Limited Textile Spinning 12,516 22.29 22.76 20.01 22.48 0.19 0.85
STCL Shabbir Tiles & Ceramics Glass and Ceramics 51,661 13.59 13.80 12.90 13.77 0.18 1.32
JUBS Jubilee Spinning Textile Composite 602 10.02 11.99 10.02 10.20 0.18 1.80
RUBY Ruby Textile Mills Limited Textile Spinning 53 7.01 7.50 7.01 7.19 0.18 2.57
JSMFETF JS Momentum ETF Exchange Traded Funds 6,560,500 16.33 16.75 15.77 16.51 0.18 1.10
SPWL Saif Power Limited Power Generation and Distribution 593,408 13.20 13.60 13.20 13.38 0.18 1.36
MDTL Media Times Limited Technology and Communication 3,561,532 2.17 2.39 2.00 2.35 0.18 8.29
JSGBETF JS Global Banking ETF Exchange Traded Funds 16,500 20.30 20.48 20.30 20.48 0.18 0.89
ASL Aisha Steel Mills Engineering 11,168,021 10.51 10.98 10.15 10.68 0.17 1.62
PAKRI Pakistan Reinsurance Insurance 754,554 14.74 15.50 14.25 14.91 0.17 1.15
GRYL Grays Leasing Leasing Companies 202 6.00 6.48 6.00 6.16 0.16 2.67
PRL Pakistan Refinery Limited Refinery 16,019,359 38.50 39.49 37.12 38.66 0.16 0.42
GGL Ghani Global Holdings Limited Chemical 6,950,825 13.42 13.90 12.53 13.57 0.15 1.12
IBFL Ibrahim Fibres Synthetic and Rayon 23 350.00 380.00 350.00 350.13 0.13 0.04
SML Shakarganj Limited Sugar and Allied Industries 2 34.99 34.99 34.99 35.12 0.13 0.37
TRSM Trust Mod Modarabas 299,015 3.66 3.89 3.66 3.79 0.13 3.55
BIPL Bankislami Pakistan Commercial Banks 781,072 21.99 22.49 21.99 22.12 0.13 0.59
KHYT Khyber Textile Mills Limited Textile Composite 48 639.00 639.00 580.00 639.12 0.12 0.02
FPJM Punjab Modaraba Ist Modarabas 48,471 2.90 3.12 2.81 3.02 0.12 4.14
KEL K-Electric Limited Power Generation and Distribution 40,644,312 5.20 5.40 5.05 5.32 0.12 2.31
ELSM Ellcot Spinning Mills Limited Textile Spinning 1,001 98.50 104.00 98.50 98.60 0.10 0.10
DNCC Dandot Cement Cement 112,953 13.20 13.95 13.00 13.30 0.10 0.76
GSPM Gulshan Spinning Textile Spinning 12,203 4.10 4.20 4.10 4.20 0.10 2.44
HABSM Habib Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 33,673 85.00 85.50 83.50 85.10 0.10 0.12
PINL Premier Insurance Insurance 700 6.00 6.20 6.00 6.09 0.09 1.50
CNERGY Cnergyico PK Limited Refinery 30,423,419 5.82 6.10 5.61 5.91 0.09 1.55
ASHT Ashfaq Textile Mills Limited Textile Weaving 800 11.40 11.70 11.18 11.49 0.09 0.79
WTL Worldcall Telecom Technology and Communication 99,942,750 1.51 1.63 1.46 1.60 0.09 5.96
TELE Telecard Limited Technology and Communication 6,578,086 8.22 8.37 7.81 8.30 0.08 0.97
TOMCL The Organic Meat Company Limited Food and Personal Care Products 1,060,204 34.92 35.49 32.10 35.00 0.08 0.23
ASTM Asim Textile Mills Limited Textile Spinning 750 11.60 11.89 11.60 11.68 0.08 0.69
NATF National Food Limited Food and Personal Care Products 143,072 183.00 188.00 180.01 183.07 0.07 0.04
HIRAT Hira Textile Mills Limited Textile Spinning 148,485 3.10 3.28 2.95 3.17 0.07 2.26
HAFL Hafiz Limited Textile Composite 1,759 256.00 257.40 250.00 256.07 0.07 0.03
BNWM Bannu Woolen Woollen 1,824 35.50 36.00 34.37 35.57 0.07 0.20
SSML Saritow Spinning Textile Spinning 6,820 9.20 9.45 8.80 9.27 0.07 0.76
SANSM Sanhar Sugar Sugar and Allied Industries 1,143 27.83 29.99 27.72 27.89 0.06 0.22
ICIBL Investment Capital Bank Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 995,020 1.54 1.66 1.46 1.60 0.06 3.90
PASL Pervez Ahmed Consultancy Services Ltd Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 2,214,866 1.47 1.60 1.47 1.53 0.06 4.08
CEPB Century Paper & Board Mills Limited Paper and Board 475,779 31.05 31.49 30.50 31.11 0.06 0.19
SILK Silk Bank Limited Commercial Banks 6,630,393 0.92 1.05 0.92 0.98 0.06 6.52
ASC Al-Shaheer Corporation Food and Personal Care Products 1,204,245 7.06 7.30 6.77 7.12 0.06 0.85
ANTM AN Textile Mills Limited Textile Composite 200 11.40 11.40 11.10 11.46 0.06 0.53
PPVC Pakistan PVC Limited Chemical 1,005 9.64 10.89 9.64 9.70 0.06 0.62
MSCL Metropolitan Steel Corporation Industrial metals and Mining 69,267 10.60 10.99 10.40 10.65 0.05 0.47
AGHA Agha Steel Industries Limited Engineering 1,241,059 10.06 10.22 9.82 10.11 0.05 0.50
LSEVL LSE Venture Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 57,605 9.93 10.55 9.75 9.98 0.05 0.50
CRTM Crescent Textile Mills Limited Textile Composite 82,076 14.12 14.38 13.77 14.16 0.04 0.28
YOUW Yousaf Weaving Textile Weaving 1,287,923 4.02 4.10 3.91 4.06 0.04 1.00
FDPL First Dawood Properties Limited Investment Banks / Investment Companies / Securities Companies 276,333 2.49 2.58 2.36 2.52 0.03 1.20
ORM Orient Rental Modaraba Modarabas 33,210 7.86 7.99 7.61 7.88 0.02 0.25
DINT Din Textile Mills Limited Textile Spinning 1 48.80 48.80 48.80 48.82 0.02 0.04
MACFL Macpac Films Limited Miscellaneous 321,497 16.31 16.60 16.00 16.33 0.02 0.12
SBL Samba Bank Limited Commercial Banks 9,476 9.51 9.96 9.50 9.53 0.02 0.21
WAVES Waves Singer Cable and Electrical Goods 1,680,006 8.19 8.40 7.90 8.21 0.02 0.24
CLOV Clover Pakistan Limited Food and Personal Care Products 173,594 44.60 45.68 43.00 44.61 0.01 0.02
AGSML Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited Sugar and Allied Industries 5,008 6.20 6.41 6.20 6.21 0.01 0.16
PASM Paramount Spinning Textile Composite 913 4.60 4.90 4.60 4.61 0.01 0.22
KML Kohinoor Mills Textile Composite 1,600 33.05 36.00 33.00 33.06 0.01 0.03