Uptick in exports to 9 regional states in July-September

Pakistan’s exports to nine regional countries posted a paltry growth of 0.72 per cent in the first quarter (July to September) of 2022-23 from a year ago, the latest data released by the State Bank of Pakistan showed. The country’s exports to Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Iran, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives account for a small amount of $953.113 million — just 13.27pc of Pakistan’s total global exports of $7.179bn in July-September. China tops the list of Pakistan’s regional exports leaving other populous countries India and Bangladesh behind. Islamabad carried out trade with its farther neighbours Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and the Maldives via sea only. Pakistan’s exports to China posted negative growth in the first quarter. The bulk of the regional exports share, which accounts for 52.56pc, is with China while the remaining is for eight countries.