Interest-free economy

FINANCE MINISTER Ishaq Dar’s announcement that the ruling coalition would withdraw the legal challenge to the April judgement of the Federal Shariat Court that gave the government until the end of 2027 to eliminate interest-based banking must have come as a surprise. Mr Dar said the government wants to eliminate riba as soon as possible. He also said that both the State Bank and the state-controlled National Bank would immediately take back the appeals against the FSC decision. But it still isn’t clear how the government plans to achieve this goal and meet the court’s deadline. Nor is it clear whether or not the private banks that have also challenged the decision, which declares interest-based banking “in all its forms and manifestations” against Islamic teachings, will withdraw their appeals. The matter has lingered since 1991 when the FSC first declared that ‘simple interest’ charged on all kinds of financial transactions — domestic and international — to be riba, and against the injunctions of Islam, due to its far-reaching implications for the banking and financial system, and the country’s dealings with the outside world.