Unsettled times

DID anybody else find it strange that the government would postpone the announcement of its own budget in order to schedule a trip to China that, it says, is for garnering investments? A trip with that itinerary could easily have waited till after the budget, especially given that the budget is critical before an IMF deal can be finalised. It’s especially puzzling given the trip took precedence over the National Economic Council as well, which is necessary to finalise the Economic Survey and then prepare the next budget’s targets. Perhaps there is nothing to it. There are many days still left in June after all, and the budget can wait till the middle of the month. Or perhaps there are priorities at play that are essential to sort out before the budget can be drawn up. At this point, all we know is that excited announcements are beginning to pour in of an MoU here and an agreement there. Perhaps these will add up to something big in the days to come; but for now, we should be looking somewhere else to ascertain what the purpose of this trip really is.