First cherry shipment sent to China

Pakistan exported its first batch of fresh cherries to China using a reefer container and projected a total quantity of 260 tonnes by the end of this month. An official announcement from the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) said the first cargo was six tonnes, followed by 12 tonnes, beginning Monday and lasting until June 30. The country’s success in exporting the fruit is due to the phytosanitary agreement signed between China and Pakistan in 2022, under which Beijing granted Islamabad market access for fresh cherries. China imports most of its cherries from Chile, with an annual demand of around 350,000 tonnes valued at $3 billion. Approximately 5,000 tonnes of cherries are produced in Gilgit-Baltistan per season. These cherries are mostly sold at low prices in local markets. The protocol with China has allowed the growers to meet the Chinese market’s demand.