KE seeks another fuel cost adjustment

As the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Monday notified Rs1.90 per unit additional cost to nationwide consumers for June, followed by 93 paise each in July and August, K-Electric piled up another fuel cost claim for April on top of its existing Rs18.6 per unit petition for the past nine months pending before the power regulator. In its fresh request to Nepra, KE presented its claim for fuel price adjustment (FPA) for April based on three different considerations. Under two benchmarks, the FPA for KE consumers is to come down by 74 paise to Rs1.18 per unit, while in the third case, an additional FPA of 44 paise per unit is to be charged to consumers. Nepra has called a customary public hearing on the subject later this month, although it has yet to conclude cases for the past nine months (July to March) and had concluded the public hearing on May 9.