CDWP clears three projects worth Rs126bn

The Central Development Wor­k­ing Party (CDWP) recom­mended on Wednesday three projects worth Rs126 billion to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) for approval. The CDWP meeting was chaired by Deputy Chair­man of the Planning Com­mission Mohammad Jeha­nzeb Khan, said a press release. Two projects related to transport and communications sector were presented in the meeting. The first project pertained to upgradation and widening of Jaglot-Skardu Road 164km (second revised) worth Rs33.27 billion referred to Ecnec for further consideration. The second project was rehabilitation and reco­nstruction of N-5 from Moro to Ranipur (NBC/SBC) and 32x damaged bridges under ADB Flood Emerg­ency Loan (revised) worth Rs57.245bn refer­red to Ecnec for further consideration.