Exploration firm targets major fields

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), the largest hydrocarbon explorer in Pakistan, has targeted 20 major fields, mainly in the north and south, to enhance production and contribute to overcoming the energy crisis in the country. Owing to the rising demand for gas, Pakistan is relying more on the imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) as its share has swelled to 24% in the energy mix. However, in many countries, the share of imported gas is only 6%, which serves as a stopgap arrangement. Pakistan’s increasing dependence on imported gas came in the face of low exploration activities at the domestic level. Now, OGDCL has taken a giant step forward by embracing modern technologies to optimise the oil and gas production. This strategy has proved successful. In this backdrop, according to industry officials, OGDCL is targeting its 20 major fields for ramping up hydrocarbon production. These comprise 14 oil fields namely Kunnar, Tando Alam, Pasakhi, Sono, Lashari Centre, Thora, Rajian, Kal Palli, Chak Naurang, Fim Kassar, Missa Keswal, Mela and Toot, and six gas and gas condensate fields namely Chanda, Nashpa, Qadirpur, Kunnar Pasakhi Deep - Tando Allah Yar, Sinjhoro and Bettani