Pakistan and Xinjiang’s free trade zone

Xinjiang is undergoing transformation. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance and priority to the rapid development of Xinjiang. In pursuit of President Xi’s vision, China is allocating significant resources to modernise and develop Xinjiang. China is actively constructing modern infrastructure, enhancing the supply chain system, and fostering livelihood opportunities. Due to the government’s commitment and continuous support, the economy of Xinjiang is expanding. According to statistics, Xinjiang’s total GDP reached 1.92 trillion RMB in 2023, with a growth rate of 6.8%. It is predicted that the growth rate for 2024 will be 6.6%. It is noteworthy that China is focusing on the green development of the region, promoting new types of energy such as wind and solar energy. Recent statistics show that Xinjiang has installed 35.68 million kW of wind power and 34.35 million kW of solar power, totalling 70 million kW, equivalent to half of the total installed electricity capacity. The government aims to achieve a target of 89 million kW by the end of 2025. China is working to create a model of new types of energy that can be replicated in other BRI and Western countries.