SBP repays $1bn against euro bonds

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has repaid $1 billion against euro bonds, creating goodwill for the bonds in the near future. Pakistan on Friday successfully made a payment of $1bn on an internatio­nal bond, which included principal plus interest, the central bank said in a statement on Saturday. “The payment was made to the agent bank for onward distribution to the bond holders,” it added. Pakistan’s USD-denom­inated bonds rallied by 84 per cent in 2024. The central bank has be­en struggling hard to ma­n­age reasonable fore­ign exchange reserves to satisfy the donor agency, the International Mone­tary Fund (IMF), and to keep the exchange rate stable. With the outflow of $1bn, the bank’s reserves will fall again close to $7bn. Currently, the SBP’s reserves are around $8bn.