Non-textile exports fall over 3pc in February

ISLAMABAD: Exports of non-textile value-added products registered a year-on-year growth of 0.47 per cent in the first eight months of the current fiscal year, a healthy sign of getting more orders from the international market. The non-textile products exports did not include the export value of food products during the period under review. In absolute terms, the value of non-textile products reached $4.24 billion in July to February FY24 against $4.22bn in the corresponding months of last year, according to data compiled by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. In February, the export of these commodities posted a negative growth of 3.26pc to $473.37m this year against $489.33m over the same month last year. The export of engineering goods saw an increase of 71pc in February followed by 6.73pc growth in leather goods. The exports of these two commodities revived in February while a few other commodities also saw an increase. In 8MFY24, the export of footwear dropped 12.06pc and leather garments 10.97pc year-on-year in July-February FY24. The decline was also observed in leather gloves. The exports of raw leather also decreased by 22.43pc during the period under review.