Crisis-hit Sri Lankan economy rebounds as tourists return

Sri Lanka’s economy rebounded stro­ngly in the fourth quarter of 2023 from the island nation’s unprecedented financial crisis as tourism arrivals rose, the government said on Saturday. Agriculture, industries and services boosted the expansion to 4.5 per cent in the December quarter compared to a 12.4pc contraction a year earlier, the census and statistics department said. It added however that the economy shrank by 2.4pc overall during 2023 compared to a contraction of 7.8pc in 2022, when the country defaulted on its $46 billion foreign debt. “Sri Lanka’s economy experienced some kind of duality in 2023,” the department said in a statement, noting that the first half of the year recorded negative growth while the economy bounced back in the second. “The long-awaited boom in tourism came towards the end of the year,” the department said, adding that worker remittances too had improved.