Deepening crises

How bad will things get? What happens next? It is the question everyone is asking in the country following the assassination attempt on Imran Khan in Wazirabad last week as the former prime minister was leading his protest march on Islamabad to force early elections in the country. He and his party quickly blamed the shooting on an alleged conspiracy between the government and the military. Sporadic protests broke out across the country as he and his party demanded the resignation of the prime minister, interior minister and a military officer currently posted in a senior position in ISI. Imran Khan, who was shot in his legs, appeared on television from his hospital room the next evening to instruct his party to continue their protest till the resignation demand was met. He also promised to return to the streets once he is recovered to lead the march to the federal capital. It looks like Pakistan has been ushered into yet another stage of instability with an increased likelihood of political violence after the attempted assassination of Imran Khan.