Industry leaders decry skyrocketing gas prices

Expressing condemnation of the over 220% increase in gas tariffs within one year, business leaders have appealed to the newly-elected government and the Special Investment Facilitation Council to take notice, review the situation, and primarily focus on research and development (R&D) aimed at ensuring alternative fuel sources for the local industry. In an interview with The Express Tribune, President of the Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adil Siddiqui, highlighted the necessity for the government to prioritise R&D to provide alternative fuel options for the local industry. He pointed out the limitations of solar and wind energy projects in certain regions like Punjab, where cloudy weather predominates, while suggesting that wind energy projects may be suitable for areas like Thatta, characterised by strong winds. Siddiqui underscored the urgent need for cost-effective alternative fuel solutions, citing the significant burden on industries in the current economic climate. He illustrated the impact by highlighting the drastic increase in utility bills faced by small industries, which have risen from Rs10 million to Rs30 million per month.