Lack of gas hurting production, says SITE Assoc­iation of Industry

KARACHI: SITE Assoc­iation of Industry (SAI) President Muhammad Kamran Arbi has said low gas pressure (almost zero supply) is making it impossible for the industries to run boilers, furnaces or other gas-run machinery installed. In a letter to Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd Managing Director Imran Maniar, the SAI chief said the problem of low gas pressure has persisted for the past many years since the SITE area is located at the end of the SSGC distribution network. Despite two days’ weekly closure and injection of RLNG in the system, the gas pressure has not yet improved to a workable level in the SITE area. Mr Arbi urged the SSGCL chief to take immediate notice of the situation and arrange to provide gas with required pressure throughout the week. He reiterated that the provision of gas with required pressure is compulsory to keep the wheel of industry running and to ship export orders on time.