Karachi business leaders urge Safe City project

KARACHI: Business leaders in Karachi highlighted the critical role of the Safe City project in revitalising business activity and restoring investor confidence in the city, which serves as the economic engine of Pakistan. They argue that the implementation of a safe city initiative in Karachi holds the promise of transforming the city into a secure and business-friendly environment, akin to the success witnessed in global business hubs like Singapore. Renowned for its robust security measures and advanced surveillance technology, Singapore has become a magnet for foreign investments and multinational corporations, setting a precedent for the economic benefits of enhanced safety measures. SI Global Solutions CEO, Noman Said highlighted the potential transformative impact of the Safe City project on Karachi’s business landscape, drawing parallels with Singapore’s success. He stresses that improved surveillance and law enforcement capabilities are expected to reduce crime rates and create a safer environment for businesses and investors. This enhanced security is crucial for attracting foreign investment, which prioritises safety in decision-making.