Stocks rally 1,095 points on political clarity

KARACHI: The overnight reaching of a consensus between PML-N and PPP on the formation of a coalition government, dubbed PDM 2.0, brought clarity on the political front to a greater extent as a result the benchmark KSE 100-share index staged a robust rally to settle above 61,000 level on Wednesday. Topline Securities Ltd said the stock market maintained a positive tre­nd throughout the session reaching an intraday high of 61,621 and a low of 60,907 points as optimist investors began strengthening their positions hoping the power-sharing formula of the next government would end the uncertainty. This upward movement was driven by Oil and Gas Development Company Ltd, Lucky Cement, Pakis­tan Petroleum Ltd, United Bank Ltd and TRG Paki­stan, collectively contributing 322 points to the index’s rally. Ahsan Mehanti of Arif Habib Corporation said rep­orts of reduction in profit rates on the national savings schemes and surging Pakistan Eurobonds also boosted market sentiments.