Caretaker’s tax-based performance

KARACHI: The caretaker setup assumed control of the federal government of Pakistan in mid-August 2023 under the leadership of caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar. Since then, it has faced criticism for various measures, despite being a technocratic setup. Generally, this kind of setup is good for initiating necessary actions deemed vital by the state, but can also incite public displeasure. The interim government inherited political, economic, and law and order challenges from its predecessor, the Pakistan Democratic Government (PDM). To address economic challenges such as inflation hike, current account deficit, lack of investor interest due to prevailing uncertainty, and mounting debts, it has focused on bringing foreign exchange to Pakistan through promoting the Information Technology Sector and introducing measures for broadening the tax base through digitisation, among others. No doubt, the performance in the tech sector has remained commendable. Whereas taxation measures have been analysed in the upcoming part of this article.