8.3 million acres of crops damaged

The recent flash floods, induced by climate change, have damaged an estimated 8.3 million acres of crops, with over 3.4 million acres of crops being affected in Sindh alone. The floods have also destroyed essential vegetable commodities all over the country. The agriculture sector contributes around 23% to Pakistan’s GDP and 37% to labour force employment. Speaking to The Express Tribune Sindh Abadgar Board (SAB) Vice President, Mahmood Nawaz Shah, said “Vegetables in Sindh are pretty much gone.” “Fruit trees are a bit tougher. Bananas have also been impacted but the crop has survived,” he added. “Pakistan is already importing tomatoes and onions from Iran and Afghanistan. The major vegetable which Sindh produces and even exports in this season is onion. Vegetables take less time to mature and few areas might start sowing in 15 to 30 days,” Shah explained. According to a report by Taurus Securities, titled ‘Pakistan’s Economy’, “Potato, onion, chillies, tomatoes, gram, rapeseed, mustard, bajra, moong and other fruits and vegetables account for 14% of the agriculture sector output and 40% of the crops segment in terms of GDP contribution.” “Based on historical trends, we estimate the burden of these crop losses will amount to $1.5 billion,” the report highlighted.