Business leaders demand urgent action on crumbling roads

Karachi’s business leaders have urgently called for the formulation of a comprehensive master plan to address the city’s deteriorating road infrastructure. Recognising the pivotal role of smooth roads in fostering economic growth, these leaders stress the need for a strategic approach to improve transportation efficiency and accessibility. Well-maintained roads, they argue, are crucial for facilitating the movement of goods and people, reducing transportation costs, and increasing overall productivity. The ripple effect extends to attracting investments, stimulating trade, and enhancing economic activity. Improved connectivity is seen as a catalyst for development in both urban and rural areas, creating a plethora of opportunities for businesses and communities alike. The business leaders advocate for an approach akin to enterprise diplomacy, where diplomatic skills are employed to navigate the complexities of the global business environment. They stress the importance of building partnerships, resolving conflicts, and addressing regulatory challenges as integral components of economic statecraft.