Once Upon A(I) Time

In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of content is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, reshaping narratives in corporate settings and beyond. As we approach this resurrection, set to unfold over four decades after the premiere of Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, AI tools take centre stage in crafting a new, unrelated film. This innovative approach involves rendering the actors more youthful in some scenes, with real-time transformations witnessed by the filmmakers. The rise of generative AI has ushered in the rapid production of images and even the creation of songs in the style of both living and deceased singers. A notable presence on Amazon, with over 3,000 books listing ChatGPT as an author or co-author, highlights the transformative impact of AI on written content creation. While it’s still early days, 2024 serves as a glimpse into the impending changes. Three key developments will shape the narrative.