PM Kakar invites Saudi group to invest in alternative energy sector

Careta­k­er Prime Minister An­­w­a­arul Haq Kakar on Thu­rsday urged the Al-Jomaih Group of Saudi Arabia to invest in the alternative energy sector of Pakistan. Mr Kakar, in a meeting with a four-member delegation, led by the Al-Jomaih Group head Sheikh Abdulaziz Hamm­ad, said Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had brotherly ties which were getting further stronger. Al-Jomaih earlier made a huge investment in K-Electric. The prime minister said that Pakistan greatly valued the Saudi investment and welcomed its investment in the energy sector. He also lauded K-Electric’s strategy to invest in the alternative energy sector as it would help reduce the power tariff and thus benefit consumers. The prime minister also expressed the hope that K-Electric would improve its infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted power supply to domestic and industrial consumers.