Stocks add 515 points to overnight rally

Bullish sentiments prevailed in the stock market for the second consecutive session as trade activities through the Torkham border resu­med with Afghanistan aft­er remaining suspended since Jan 13, propelling the KSE-100 index above the 64,000-point level on Tuesday. Topline Securities Ltd said equities experienced significant volatility as the benchmark KSE 100-share index hit an intraday low of 389.80 points to 63,549.61 and a high of 718.76 points to 64,658.17. Oil and Gas Develo­pment Company Ltd and Pakistan Petroleum Ltd faced a bearish start as investors responded unfavourably to the Ministry of Finance’s rejection of the circular debt reduction plan. This decision was grounded in the government’s commitment to the International Mone­tary Fund, which restricts additional unbu­dgeted spending in 2023-24. However, a shift occurred during the second half of the session, marked by buying activity as investors seized the opportunity presented by lower stock prices.