DAP fertiliser sales surge 31%, urea stagnates

In the agricultural landscape of Pakistan, the fertiliser sector is experiencing a notable shift as Diammonium Phosphates (DAP) takes the lead with a significant surge of 31% in offtake during the Calendar Year 2023. In contrast, urea, a staple fertiliser for farmers, has seen marginal growth, remaining virtually stagnant over the same period. According to Optimus Capital Management, urea offtakes for CY23 reached 6,642 Kilo Tonnes (KT), a modest increase from 6,612 KT in CY22. Meanwhile, DAP offtakes for CY23 demonstrated a substantial rise, standing at 1,576 KT compared to 1,201 KT in CY22. Analysing the total availability, including local production and imports, urea recorded 6,738 KT in CY23, showing a slight drop of 2% from 6,884 KT in CY22. On the other hand, DAP’s total availability witnessed an 11% increase, reaching 1,608 KT in CY23 compared to 1,445 KT in CY22.