Discos seek Rs42bn additional despite low usage in December

In yet another blow to electricity consumers, the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) on Monday sought more than 100pc (Rs5.62 per unit) increase in fuel charges to mop up about Rs42 billion for ex-Wapda Distribution Companies (Discos) through February consumer bills and make up for subdued consumption of the most expensive electricity. This is apparently the highest-ever increase in fuel cost adjustment (FCA) demanded by the CPPA despite about 75 per cent power supply coming from domestic cheaper fuel sources in December 2023. This FCA is being sought on top of about 26pc increase in annual base tariff and another 18pc hike under the quarterly tariff adjustment currently in place. As a result, the consumers would be unable to contain their bills despite minimum consumption in peak winter months. The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has accepted the request for a public hearing on Jan 31.