Cotton production crosses 8m bales after three years

Cotton arrivals crossed eight million bales on Dec 15, showing an increase of 63 per cent over and above the total production of the last crop year, reveals the fortnightly data released by the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) on Monday. A total of 8.02 million bales of cotton had been ginned across the country by Dec 15 compared to 4.90m bales in the same period last year. The data showed that at least 3.957m bales arrived at ginning factories in Punjab, while 4.67m bales were brought to the ginning units in Sindh, which are 30pc and 116pc more than the total production of the previous year, respectively. During this period, textile mills have purchased over 7.866m bales and exporters 290,000 bales, while 6.5m bales are still lying with ginners.