Navigating Pakistan’s energy transition

Amidst the challenges of soaring energy prices, escalating impacts of climate change, and economic hurdles, Pakistan confronts a complex trilemma encapsulated by the three interlinked challenges of energy, environment, and economy. Presently, the country is grappling with inflated energy costs due to imported fuels, worsening local air pollution, economic instability, and challenges in delivering reliable electricity to a burgeoning population. This complex interplay of issues calls for deep introspection into major loopholes in the current policy framework and the holistic development of sustainable policies to address the multifaceted crisis of energy, environment, and economy. An imperative at this critical juncture is a paradigm shift towards a sustainable and indigenous solution through a transition to clean energy for sustainable progress. This pivotal step not only fosters economic growth but also enhances energy security and ensures environmental sustainability.