Lawmakers’ schemes get biggest chunk of PSDP releases

The parliamentarians’ development schemes of the PDM coalition government continue to overshadow the federal Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) in the first five months of 2023-24 by utilising the biggest share of expenditure. The latest data from the Planning Commission, however, apparently showed a relative slowdown in the utilisation of PSDP funds for MNAs’ schemes in November after substantial spending in the first four months. The total expenditure in the first five months (July-November) on PSDP increased to Rs117 billion, up from Rs76bn in four months until end-October, showing a healthy utilisation of about Rs41bn in November. The biggest share of Rs29.5bn was consumed by MNAs’ schemes by the end of November, showing just a Rs2.3bn increase in a month when compared to Rs27.15bn in four months. The parliamentarians’ schemes are financed through PSDP in the name of the Sustainable Development Goals Achievement Programme (SAP).