Power firms bleeding users dry through inflated bills

In one of the most damning indictments of malpractices and over-billing in the provision of electricity, the country’s power distribution companies have been accused of fleecing customers and overcharging them as much as 100pc. In a comprehensive inquiry, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has found that distribution companies across the country, without exception, were overcharging and over-billing their consumers. “There is [not a] single Disco in the country who is charging bills in 100% correct manner,” the power sector regulator concluded in its 14-page report. The inquiry was launched after consumers from all over the country complained of “excessive, inflated, and wrong bills” charged by Discos in July and August 2023. The report also called into question the integrity of Discos’ entire revenue streams — from meter reading to billing and penalties. The allegations have been levelled at a time when the Discos are carrying out a countrywide campaign against power theft. The report is based on field visits and actual and verified data for the two months, and cross-examination of the Power Information Technology Com­pany (PITC) — a government subsidiary with access to power sector data.