Ogra striving to regulate growing LPG market

The demand for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will surge to 15,000 tonnes a day in coming years from the current 4,500-5,000 tonnes as this is the only sector which has shown robust growth. Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Chairman Masroor Khan said that two to three years back, LPG demand was 2,500 tonnes per day. Addressing a press conference along with LPG stakeholders and leadership of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) at the Federation House on Monday, he said all the fuels in the country’s energy mix have depicted a downward trend. For example, the number of CNG stations has plunged to 1,200 from 3,300 followed by a drop in demand for compressed natural gas (CNG) to 3,000mmcfd from 4,450mmcfd and depressed sales of petrol and diesel. “LPG is the only fuel that has thrived in terms of demand growth as it can be easily transported to various parts of the country without any role of pipelines,” he added.