Pakistan LNG awards tender to OQ Trading

State-run Pakistan LNG Ltd (PLL) on Monday awarded a contract to OQ Trading —an Oman subsidy — to deliver an LNG cargo in the second week of January at a post-bidding negotiated price of $17.95 per million British thermal unit (mmBtu) to minimise peak winter gas shortage. Earlier, the PLL had received four international bids against its urgent tender. OQ Trading was the lowest at $18.46 per unit, for the supply of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo. On the other hand, however, Azerbaijan’s state run Socar separately offered to provide a cargo at $17.96 per mmBtu under G2G arrangement. Informed sources said the PLL shared Socar’s offer with the OQ Trading for price matching which agreed to deliver the cargo at $17.95 per mmBtu instead of its original bid price of $18.46. These sources said Socar was agitating the matter at the government forums.