Pakistan’s perspective on net zero

When preparing and planning for the 2050 net zero target, it’s important to remember that the Earth’s atmosphere knows no boundaries and that every nation is responsible for preserving the environment and atmosphere. This obligation falls particularly heavy on those countries that have contributed the most to pollution and continue to do so. The Earth’s atmosphere comprises 78 per cent nitrogen, 21pc oxygen, and only about 0.04pc Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Yet CO2 contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect and can trap heat in the atmosphere. Net zero initiatives aim to reduce CO2 emissions to a level that can be absorbed by the oceans and maintain less than 0.04pc to prevent climate change. It should be noted that the quantification of CO2 is bound to have sufficient margins of error. The ocean’s natural circulation patterns play a significant role in carbon absorption, which varies due to wind-driven currents and deep water movements.