Unprecedented hike in gas, fixed charges notified

The Oil and Gas Regul­atory Authority (Ogra) on Wednesday formally notified an increase in gas rates and fixed charges for all consumers throughout the country with effect from Nov 1. Under the notification, fixed monthly charges for the residential “protected category” of consumers have been increased from Rs10 to Rs400, showing an increase of 3,900pc. In addition, they would also pay minimum charges of Rs108 per month. However, their per unit gas rates have been kept unchanged at Rs121 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) for 0.25 hundred cubic metres (hcm), Rs150 per unit for up to 0.5 hcm, Rs200 for up to 0.6 hcm and Rs250 for up to 0.9 hcm. The protected category is defined as consumers whose average consumption in four winter months (November to Febru­ary) would be below or equal to 0.9 hcm. The fixed monthly charges for non-protected consumers have been increased by about 118pc (from Rs460 to Rs1,000) for consumption up to 1.5 hcm and by 335pc for consumption exceeding 1.5 hcm (from Rs460 to Rs2,000). They would also be required to pay Rs178 per month minimum charges.