A case for solar with battery storage

As they say, “make hay while the sun shines”. The origin of the proverb may have been different for medieval English farmers, however, it applies to rooftop solar installations in Pakistan. The utility prices of electricity have significantly increased in recent years due to various reasons, including but not limited to decades-old inefficiencies and missteps, that have plagued the power sector. The steep rise in power prices has compelled electricity consumers with means to carry out these installations, replacing consumption with inexpensive electricity generated during the day through photo voltaic (PV) solar. The benefits are enormous as the owners, along with slashing their electricity bills, help create sustainable power, reduce carbon footprints, and help utilities to reduce generation using expensive imported fuels, thus enabling the country to conserve foreign exchange. To understand the business case for solar installation, one must understand that depending upon the irradiation levels, solar produces energy (KWh) between 18 per cent to 22pc of the installed capacity.