Ecnec clears health, energy projects worth over Rs1tr

The Executive Committee of the Economic Council (Ecnec) on Tuesday approved six projects with an estimated cost of Rs1.077 trillion including two mega country-wide projects in health and energy sectors. Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Ishaq Dar presided over the meeting also attended by Commerce Minister Syed Naveed Qamar, SAPM on Finance Tariq Bajwa, SAPM on Revenue Tariq Mehmood Pasha, Senator Nisar Ahmad Khuhro from Sindh and Himayatullah Khan Advisor Finance Khyber Pakhtu­nkhwa government besides federal secretaries and other senior officers from federal ministries and provincial departments participated in the meeting. The biggest project of Rs513.167 billion approved by Ecnec related to the health sector for implementation across the country for eradication of polio disease. The meeting formally approved the revised project to be executed by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination and provincial health departments in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and Unicef titled “Emergency Plan for Polio Eradication to make Pakistan polio-free. The project will be implemented in five years.