Pakistan, India have largest number of employees in public sector: WB

The Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI) has estimated that in the South Asian region, both Pakistan and India have the largest public sectors with a share of 60 per cent of formal wage employment. WWBI is the unique cross-national dataset on public sector employment and wages developed by the World Bank’s ‘Bureaucracy Lab’. According to the indicators, the wage bill in South Asian countries, relative to their public expenditure, is on average, seven percentage points lower than the global average of 28 per cent. There is significant variance among countries in the region, it says. In Afghanistan, public sector wages make up half of all public spending, yet Pakistan only spends three per cent of its public expenditure on public sector wages. In the South Asia region, 37pc of the total public sector workforce is employed in public admi­nistration, followed by healthcare (28pc), and education (26pc). Compared to the global average, the share of education and healthcare employees in public sector paid employment is lower in the South Asia region. Pakistan has the largest share of education employees working in the public sector workforce (around 35pc).