Foreign direct investment dips 21pc

After a drop in both remittances and exports, foreign direct investment (FDI) fell 21 per cent in the 11 months through May, though inflows in May rose on both month-on-month and year-on-year bases. The State Bank’s data issued on Tuesday noted an FDI inflow of $149.6 million in May compared to $121.6m in April 2023 and $141.2m in May 2022. Due to prolonged political and economic uncertainties, there was little hope in the financial circle for improvement in foreign investments. For more than a decade, Pakistan has lost attraction for foreign investments. The current economic turmoil has badly damaged the country’s image as an attractive place for investments. Moreover, the serious shortage of foreign exch­ange reserves turned ugly when most companies failed to send their profits and dividends out of the country. The government held back at least $1 billion in profits from foreign investments. This is important because already only a few countries are investing in Pakistan, while China has been the biggest investor for years.