Investment-to-GDP ratio drops to lowest

The investment-to-GDP ratio in the outgoing 2022-23 stood at 13.6 per cent, lowest among the regional countries, according to the economic survey released on Thursday. This ratio stood at 15.6pc in 2021-22. The survey attributed the year-on-year decline to a slowdown in global and domestic economic activity and contractionary macroeconomic policies. The per capita income decreased from $1,765 to $1,568 in 2022-23. This deceleration was attributed to the significant depreciation and a contraction in economic activity. Despite a decline in primary income, the trade balance improved in 2022-23, the survey showed. Against this background, the investment-to-GDP ratio declined while national savings increased. Consumption as a percentage of GDP also slightly contracted from 96.2pc to 94pc, the survey showed.