Ecnec clears four projects worth Rs120bn

The Exe­cutive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) on Wednesday approved four development projects in Azad Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with a total estimated cost of Rs120.185bn. Presided over by Fina­nce Minister Ishaq Dar, the meeting of the committee was also attended by Minister for Planning and Develop­ment Ahsan Iqbal, SAPM on Finance Tariq Bajwa, Senator Nisar Ahmed Khuhro from Sindh and federal secretaries and other senior officers from federal ministries and provincial governments. The Ecnec approved a project of the AJK government to be executed by the Power Development Orga­ni­sation for the establishment of a 48-megawatt Shounter Hydropower Project in Neelam Valley District at an updated cost of Rs14.985bn including a foreign exchange component (FEC) of Rs12.737bn. The project is to be fina­nced 85pc from the Saudi Fund for Develop­ment (SFD) and 15pc of the cost will be met through AJK’s annual development plan. The meeting also approved in principle a project of the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and GB for the Establishment of Regional Grids in Gilgit-Baltistan Phase-I in Astore, Gilgit, Hunza, and Skardu Districts in GB at the revised cost of Rs17.425bn with FEC of Rs1.824bn. The Ecnec also approved another project of the Gil­git Baltistan government to be executed by the Water & Power Depart­ment Gilgit-Baltistan of 26MW Shagh­arthang Hydro­­power Pro­ject in District Skardu at the revised cost of Rs18.374bn including FEC of Rs4.461bn.