Chopping and stretching finances

In Greek mythology, Procrustes was a unique character known for his obsession of making his guests fit perfectly in his iron bed. His methodology, however, was disturbingly brutal. He altered his guests, not the bed. If a guest was too tall, he’d cut their legs off. If they were too short, he’d stretch them until they occupied the bed entirely. As peculiar as his method was, Procrustes achieved his goal, though the welfare of his guests was undoubtedly compromised. An oddly similar methodology seems to have been adopted by Pakistan’s economic managers, particularly under the current administration. Rather than directing efforts towards establishing a path for sustainable growth and addressing deep-seated economic problems, these financial architects have taken hasty steps to fix the situation. This has involved imposing severe short-term measures and turning a blind eye to their potential pitfalls. They might have begun with commendable intentions, but their approach has pushed the economy to a precarious edge.