Average income drops to $1,568

Pakistan’s economy experienced a notable decline in its GDP size in dollar terms, growth rate and per capita income during the outgoing 2022-23, marking the slowest expansion in the country’s overall output over the past four years. The decline in Pakistan’s economy during 2022-23 reveals significant mismanagement by the coalition government led by the PML-N. The overall economy only grew by 0.29 per cent in FY23, marking a sharp drop from the previous year’s rapid 6.1pc growth under the PTI government. The economy size in dollar terms declined to $341.554 billion in the outgoing FY23 from $375.449bn in FY22. These figures, approved by the National Accounts Committee (NAC) late Wednesday night, were subsequently released to the media on Thursday. The decrease in the economy’s size can be attributed to the highest-ever depreciation of the rupee in any year. The per capita income in dollar terms fell to $1,568 in FY23 from $1,766 in the previous year and $1,677 in FY21. This suggests the deterioration of the standard of living and well-being of almost all segments of society with a sharp decline in personal incomes.