SECP enrolls over 1,700 companies in April

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 1,760 new companies with a total paid-up capital of Rs2.9 billion in April, bringing the total number to 191,924. Approximately 57 per cent of businesses registered in April were private limited companies, 41pc as single-member businesses, and 2pc companies were registered as limited liability partnerships, not-for-profit organisations, and unlisted public companies (LLP). Nearly 99.8 per cent of businesses were registered online. The new registrations also included 70 foreign applicants. Foreign investment has been reported in 67 new companies, having foreign investors from Afghanis­tan, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Jordan South Korea, the Netherlands, Singa­pore, Slovakia Repu­blic, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzer­land, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK and US.