Tackling the crisis creatively

Amidst the worsening crises, the national search for remedies has intensified. However, the views about the future economic and political outlook and the possible correction course diverge widely as imponderable uncertainties continue to navigate virtually a rudderless ship. Nonetheless, what may appear a confusing debate is rooted in ground realities. The solutions offered are of short-, medium-, long-term durations, while not always immune from conflicting interests. The important thing is that the debate is also generating a breath of fresh air — some creative ideas that can bring a culture change in the country’s mode of governance, public service delivery, and better utilisation of natural and abundant human resources for socio-economic development. Let us take first the optimistic view that the situation may improve incrementally here and there with no fundamental or meaningful changes, at least in the short to medium–term. The next polls may not bring political stability because of persisting stagflation and the absence of national consensus on charters of economy and governance This view gains currency from the after-tax earnings of the corporate sector recorded at Rs877.6 billion in the first nine months of the current fiscal year, up 8.8 per cent from a year ago. The data compiled and its analysis carried out by Arif Habib Ltd is based on the results of 89 of the top 100-listed companies, representing 93.1pc of the stock market’s capitalisation.