Lucky Cement profit rises

Unconso­li­dated earnings of Lucky Cement Ltd grew 17 per cent year-on-year in July-Septe­mber to Rs3.8 billion, a stock notice showed on Thursday. The company didn’t announce a dividend. The Hub Power Company Ltd said its consolidated net income for July-September remained Rs9.1bn, up 23pc from a year ago. It didn’t declare any dividend, although the independent power producer already paid a “surprise” cash dividend of Rs15.50 per share earlier this month after receiving a payout from the national power purchaser. Profitability of Pakistan Petroleum Ltd for July-September rose 57pc year-on-year to Rs26.6bn. Indus Motor Company Ltd registered earnings of Rs1.3bn for July-September, down 76pc from a year ago. The result was “well below” the expectations of AKD Securities as the company posted a gross loss for the second time in its history.