Daronomics — good or bad for the economy?

Is “Daronomics” or economic policies followed by our Finance Minister Ishaq Dar good or bad for our economy? Most commentators give a “yes” or “no” answer. However, this response is generally not based on objective criteria but on political partiality. This article presents a four-year comparison of three key economic indicators during the three previous governments. It also suggests the way forward where Daronomics did not work in the past. GDP growth is the most important economic indicator, which shows whether our economy has expanded by producing more goods and services or contracted due to lower output. This indicator favoured Mr Dar’s performance, as GDP growth during his tenure was 4.3 per cent, compared to 3.5pc and 2.6pc during the PTI and PPP periods. Keeping inflation in check is another important indicator, as an increase in prices has a huge impact on the lives of ordinary people. Once again, Mr Dar’s performance has been commendable.