An equaliser of societal progress

It is needless to say that public transport is fundamental to sustainable urban development and the prosperity of cities. However, Pakistani cities lack a decent and affordable public transport system. This is despite the fact that the country is rapidly urbanising with a growing demand for safe, efficient, affordable and accessible public transport systems. Public transport in urban areas is generally slow, unsafe, inaccessible, and inconvenient due to inappropriate modes of transport and inadequate and improper route planning. Commuters endure the discomfort and hassle of existing public transport. This not only puts commuters’ safety at risk but also causes discomfort and a waste of their precious time. Inefficient and disorganised public transport deters labour force participation and effectual use of time and human resources, which have serious implications for individual workers, businesses, and overall society. Furthermore, the existing public transport impedes citizens’ mobility, productivity, and social well-being.