Borrowing from yourself

You might have faced this situation once or twice, or maybe never. People living from paycheque to paycheque often find it extremely difficult to manage an emergency like hospitalisation, an unexpected unbudgeted expense, or a utility bill payment in the last days of a month. What options do they have? Borrow from friends and family or ask for an advance on their salaries? In these times of economic crunch, when price inflation is soaring daily, spiking the household expenditures of a vast majority of salaried persons, these options are no longer available to most people. Even when you can turn to friends and family or borrow in advance from the employer against your paycheque, it takes time, which you may not have at that moment. Abhi, a fintech company founded in 2021, has come up with a tech-based solution to help salaried people under financial distress cover their emergency expenses in real-time at any time of the day or night through its Earned Wage Access (EWA) or On-Demand Pay service, AbhiSalary