Pakistan looks to export mangoes, software to US

The United States and Pakistan will hold their first ministerial-level meeting on trade in Washington on Thursday which, Islamabad hopes, will gain greater access to the US market for its mangoes and software. US Trade Representative (USTR) “Ambassador Katherine Tai will host a meeting under the US-Pakistan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) with Pakistan’s Minister of Comm­erce Syed Naveed Qamar” in Washington on Thursday, her office said in a statement. The Biden administration’s chief trade administrator Ambassador Doug McKalip and Assistant United Trade Represe­ntative Chris Wilson will also attend the meeting. “This meeting is closed to the press,” the statement added. Mr Qamar reached Washington on Tuesday with a team of senior officials on a three-day visit for talks on trade and investment. “We are looking for increased trade in information technology and agricultural goods,” he told reporters in Washington on Wednesday. “We are looking forward to exporting more mangoes to the United States,” he added.