Pumps run out of petrol in Punjab

Amid claims of adequate availability and the government warning of stern action against hoarders, the shortage of petrol persists across Punjab disrupting the routine life of the public at large. The situation is worst in remote areas where the pumps have had no supplies for the last over a month, Dawn has learnt. On the other hand, the Pakistan Petroleum Dealer Association (PPDA) has held all Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) responsible for not ensuring adequate supplies as per demand thus making the pumps dry and leaving the motorists with no option but to search for petrol in cities. Rejecting the claim, the OMC Association of Pakistan (OMAP) said some pumps were involved in hoarding petrol and causing artificial shortages to earn more profits keeping in view the expected increase in petroleum prices. Dealers, OMCs accuse each other of creating artificial shortages “At present, 30 to 40 per cent of the total 450 pumps in Lahore and its outskirts have no petrol due to squeezed supplies from OMCs, including the largest public sector company and two international firms. Previously these three companies were never to be allegedly involved in such practices. But now they, like others, have started playing such tactics,” PPPDA Punjab Information Secretary Khawaja Atif claimed while talking to Dawn on Thursday.